SPECIAL HighRR Seminar

INF 226, Goldbox (Other Institutes)

INF 226, Goldbox

Other Institutes



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Meeting-ID: 820 0452 8221
Kenncode: 294755

    • 1
      A Search for Standard Model dibaryonic dark matter in the CMS detector

      The Sexaquark - a hypothetical stable six-quark bound state (quark content: uuddss) - was recently proposed as a composite dark matter candidate. Such a particle can exist entirely within the known parameters of the standard model as a deeply bound state and is long-lived on cosmological timescales provided its mass is below 2050 MeV. This presentation will discuss the development of a search for such a particle being produced at the LHC by means of direct detection of a charged final state resulting from its antiparticle annihilating with a neutron in the beam pipe of the CMS detector.

      Luisa Bergmann (she/her)
      Cas van Veen (they/them)