LGBTQ+ seminar

INF 226, Goldbox (Other Institutes)

INF 226, Goldbox

Other Institutes



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Meeting-ID: 820 0452 8221
Kenncode: 294755

  • Amelie Wüllner
  • Andrés Bórquez
  • Cas van Veen
  • Lisa Cymanek
  • Loredana Gastaldo
  • Maitri Purohit
  • Maurice Donner
  • Osman Baran Özdemir
  • Sachin Gupta
  • Tina Kuka
    • 15:00 16:00
      LGBTQ+ in the physics work environment 1h

      Working in physics means working in an international environment. Physics attracts a very diverse group of people and all these people have different cultural backgrounds and identities. To be able to work in such an environment, people need to feel safe and respected at their work. This also applies to those who identify as members of the LGBTQ+ community which will be the focus of this seminar. Being able to embrace your identity is as essential at work as it is elsewhere, because you cannot leave your identity at home. You should be free in how you present yourself and your work space should be an inviting place to all.

      During this seminar you will gain insights into the daily challenges faced by members of the LGBTQ+ community and hear personal experiences from the speaker Wren Vetens and other scientists. The goal of this seminar is to spread more awareness for the LGBTQ+ community.

      Despite the weightiness of this topic, we invite everyone to come and listen. No prior knowledge is needed to be able to follow the talk and there will be time for questions after the talk. We would also like to invite you for a more informal discussion over some drinks and snacks after the seminar in the foyer of the PI.

      We are looking forward to seeing you all at the seminar!

      Luisa Bergmann (she/her)
      Cas van Veen (they/them)