DD4hep Developers Meeting
Please Join DD4hep developer's meeting via Zoom
Present: M.Frank, A.Sailer
1) Pending problems
1) ISSUE970: Support for digitization in ddsim
==> On hold
2) ISSUE1010: Changing Geant4 physics flags
==> To be finished by Andre
3) ISSUE1031: SimHits versus RecHits
==> Close due to inactivity ?
4) ISSUE1103: Allow isotrope generator to throw range around specified (reference) direction
5) ISSUE1117: RE-OPENED: New visualization by reference edits alpha value of referenced VisAttr.
Apparently order of creating logical volumes affects visualization attributes
6) PR1016: OpticalSurface example: fix detector driver
==> Pending since November
7) NEW: ISSUE1149: bug report: access private member [should be removed]
8) NEW: PR1148: feat: convert several DDRec constructors to use const Detector&
2) Closed issues and fixed problems
1) ISSUE1072: Enhancement request: Allow etaMin, etaMax bounds in Geant4IsotropeGenerator and DDSim/Helper/Gun.py enhancement.
2) ISSUE1092: Toroidal magnetic field (ATLAS like)
3) ISSUE1143/PR1146: DetectorChecksum memory consumption scales with complexity
4) ISSUE1101/PR1144: DDSim: Change Default Output config
5) ISSUE1072/PR1145: DDSim: prevent use of unknown properties
6) ISSUE1114/PR1147: Persist HepMC3 GenRunInfo attributes into metadata tree / Propagate run Parameters from input to output
3) Round table
Markus: NTR
Andre: New dd4hep tag 1-26
4) AOB
Next meeting: 10. August 2023