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David Shih

Supersymmetry, Gauge Mediation, and the LHC (II)

by David Shih (IAS/Princeton)

Sunrise (LHC Physics Center, Fermilab)


LHC Physics Center, Fermilab

Wilson Hall, 11th floor
In these talks, I will give a broad overview of general gauge mediation collider phenomenology, with a focus on promising signatures for early discovery at the LHC. I will also describe a simple model-independent approach to characterizing new physics at the LHC coming from gauge mediation. Meeting in EVO ( Title: LPC Topic of The Week : David Shih Description: Community: CMS Meeting Access Information: - Meeting URL - Phone Bridge ID: 305 2491 Central Daylight Time (-0500) Start 2011-03-16 13:30 End 2011-03-16 15:30
Organised by

LPC Topic of the Week Committee

Host: Sarah Malik