26–31 May 2024
Western University
America/Toronto timezone
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(POS-2) Benchmarking a Commercial Quantum Memory

28 May 2024, 17:45
SSC Hallways (Western University)

SSC Hallways

Western University

Poster not-in-competition (Graduate Student) / Affiche non-compétitive (Étudiant(e) du 2e ou 3e cycle) Symposia Day (DQI/DPE - DIQ/DEP) - Q-STATE: Quantum Science, Technology, Applications, Training, and Education | Science, technologie, applications, formation et éducation quantiques DQI Poster Session & Student Poster Competition (1) | Session d'affiches DIQ et concours d'affiches étudiantes (1)


Connor Kupchak


The quantum internet is an emerging quantum technology that will enable the networking of quantum computers and secure communications via quantum key distribution. A key element of this network is the quantum repeater which promises to mitigate loss intrinsic to fiber-based communication. Quantum repeaters require a quantum memory capable of high-fidelity storage and retrieval of quantum optical states. Recently, such quantum memories have become commercially available, but are awaiting "field-testing". In this poster, we describe our work that seeks to test and verify the storage and retrieval of a Relative Intensity Squeezed state based on such a commercial quantum memory.

Keyword-1 Quantum Memory
Keyword-2 Squeezed light

Primary author

Connor Kupchak


Andrew MacRae (University of Victoria) Prof. EDEN FIGUEROA (Stony Brook University) Jamal Mohammad Khani Mr Kenny Gregory (University of Carleton)

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