We welcome you to join a unique symposium, where we will break from convention with an unconferencing style to explore Building Communities of Practice for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) and Outreach in Physics. This event invites students, postdocs, faculty, and professionals alike to exchange insights, showcase best (and wise) practices, and celebrate grassroots EDI efforts within the physics community. Through participant-driven facilitated discussions, we will co-create an agenda that shares resources and fosters connections, emphasizing the importance of inclusivity. With discussions covering strategies for EDI initiatives, decolonization efforts, reaching under-served communities, and impactful outreach and informal education, this symposium offers a space to learn, inspire, and connect as we work towards a more equitable and diverse future in Canadian physics.
Keyword-1 | Unconference |
Keyword-2 | Submitted by office |