(DCMMP) R1-5 Quantum Materials II | Matériaux quantiques II (DPMCM)
- Erik Sorensen
We study the excitation spectrum of the one-dimensional spin-1/2 XXZ chain with antiferromagnetic Ising anisotropy across a magnetic quantum phase transition induced by the application of a site-dependent transverse magnetic field. Motivated by the chain antiferromagnet BaCo2V2O8, we consider a situation where the transverse magnetic field has a strong uniform component and a weaker staggered...
A theme of our research is to use nanostructures as building blocks to fabricate materials with the aim of exploiting nanoscale control to tailor materials behaviour – potentially even quantum behaviour - from the nanoscale up. As a testbed, we study strong interactions between localized, unpaired spins and delocalized electrons. Such interactions play a key role in phenomena ranging from the...
We use the methods of group theory to completely block-diagonalize the
general, 4-parameter exchange Hamiltonian of a 16-site spin-1/2
pyrochlore cluster. By using the reduced density matrices, we can
calculate the concurrence between different spin sites at T=0 and when T
is small.
Two dimensional perovskites with a quantum well structures have demonstrated superior air stability because of the hydrophilic property functionalized by the organic molecule spacers. Thus, 2D perovskites are promising absorbers for the next generation photovoltaic technology. However, it remains a significant challenge to desirable free carriers because of the strong quantum confinements,...