(DNP) T3-4 Hadron physics | Physique des hadrons (DPN)
- Michael Gericke
The MOLLER experiment is a >$40M USD experiment expected to run in 2026. This experiment has a large Canadian contribution, to both the spectrometer and detector systems. The experiment utilizes parity-violation in the weak interaction to measure the asymmetry between longitudinally polarized electrons in the positive and negative helicity states. The electrons scatter from electrons in...
The conventional picture of the hadron, in which partons play the dominant role, predicts a separation of short-distance (hard) and long-distance (soft) physics, known as 'factorization'. It has been proven that for certain processes, at sufficiently high $Q^2$, the reaction amplitude factorizes into a hard part, representing the interaction of the incident virtual photon probe with the...
Measurements of several rare eta and eta′ decay channels will be carried out at the Jefferson Lab Eta Factory (JEF). JEF will commence in fall 2024 using an upgraded GlueX detector in Hall D. The combination of highly-boosted eta/eta′ production, recoil proton detection, and a new fine-granularity high-resolution lead-tungstate insert in the GlueX forward calorimeter confers uniqueness to JEF,...
Measurements of the neutron electric dipole moment (EDM) place severe constraints on new sources of CP violation beyond the standard model.
The TRIUMF UltraCold Advanced Neutron (TUCAN) EDM experiment aims improve the measurement of the neutron EDM by a factor of 10 compared to the world's best measurement. The experiment must be conducted in a magnetically quiet environment. A magnetically...