KT Seminars

How AI and a CERN federated learning platform can assist clinicians in the management of stroke patients

by Luigi Serio (CERN), Pietro Caliandro (Policlinico Gemelli)

40/S2-B01 - Salle Bohr (CERN)

40/S2-B01 - Salle Bohr


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Strokes are one of the leading causes of severe disability worldwide. There are 1.12 million strokes and 0.46 million resulting deaths per year in Europe, and 9.53 million stroke survivors. Thus, strokes are associated with a significant social and economic burden, which will dramatically increase over the next decades due to an ageing population.

A correct assessment of the stroke patient’s risks and potential outcome can provide improved and personalised treatment to help prevent relapse. To treat as many patients as possible and to reduce the risk of discharging patients too early from hospital, the TRUSTroke project (https://trustroke.eu) was born.  

TRUSTroke proposes a novel AI-based tool, based on a Federated Learning platform developed and hosted at CERN, to assist clinicians, patients and caregivers in the management of chronically disabled stroke patients, based on the integration of clinical and patient reported data for a trustworthy assessment of disease progression.


read more here: https://home.cern/news/news/knowledge-sharing/accelerating-stroke-prevention


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For full TRUSTroke event see https://indico.cern.ch/event/1304173/