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rMPP meeting on MD Block 2 2023 approval




You can find more information on the website of the Machine Protection Panel.

    • 09:30 09:35
      Introduction 5m
      Speakers: Christoph Wiesner (CERN), Jan Uythoven (CERN)
    • 09:35 09:50
      rMPP comments on MDs 15m

      Comments on MDs:
      - MD9405: Instability Growth Rate at Injection 2023
      - MD9523: Threshold of longitudinal loss of Landau damping

      Speakers: Cedric Hernalsteens (CERN), Christoph Wiesner (CERN), Daniel Wollmann (CERN), Jan Uythoven (CERN), Matteo Solfaroli Camillocci (CERN)
    • 09:50 10:05
      MD9552: Beam stability and incoherent effects with trains at injection 15m
      • Clarify switching between phase knob in/out and use of different hypercycles (nominal and pp ref)
      Speakers: Konstantinos Paraschou (CERN), Lotta Mether (CERN), Sofia Carolina Johannesson (EPFL - Ecole Polytechnique Federale Lausanne (CH))
    • 10:05 10:20
      MD10303: Characterization of the BSRH (Coronagraph) 15m
      • Clarify required changes to collimation inner limits when scraping down to 3 sigma
      • Masking of BLMs?
      Speakers: Daniele Butti (University of London (GB)), Enrico Bravin (CERN), Georges Trad (CERN)