17–19 Jan 2024
Porto - Portugal
Europe/Lisbon timezone

Covariant generalized conserved charges of General Relativity

Not scheduled
Porto - Portugal

Porto - Portugal

Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade do Porto Rua do Campo Alegre Porto - Porto - Portugal


Carmen Gomez-fayren de las Heras (IFT - UAM/CSIC)


Motivated by the current research of generalized symmetries and the construc-
tion of conserved charges in pure Einstein gravity linearized over Minkowski spacetime in
Cartesian coordinates, we investigate, from a purely classical point of view, the construction
of these charges in a coordinate- and frame-independent language in order to generalize
them further. We show that all the charges constructed in that context are associated to the
conformal Killing-Yano 2-forms of Minkowski spacetime. Furthermore, we prove that those
associated to closed conformal Killing-Yano 2-forms are identical to the charges constructed
by Kastor and Traschen for their dual Killing-Yano (d − 2)-forms. We discuss the number
of independent and non-trivial gravitational charges that can be constructed in this way

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