SMEFT is an efficient tool to parametrize the effect of BSM physics in a model-independent way. We study di-Higgs and tri-Higgs productions at the muon collider which is parametrized by the dimension 6 mass operator. We also study di-boson and tri-boson processes which also include the production of Goldstone bosons. We discuss possible model dependence of multi-boson processes resulting from...
Motivated by new physics models which lead to final states containing a high multiplicity of bottom and top quarks; we developed a tagging strategy to suppress reducible and non-reducible multi-jet backgrounds. The idea takes advantage of the properties of light parton showers and of the gluon fragmentation into heavy quarks to reject jets that do not originate from a bottom quark. Preliminary...
Hadronization, a crucial component of event generation, is traditionally simulated using finely-tuned empirical models. While current phenomenological models have achieved significant success in simulating this process, there remain areas where they fall short in accurately describing the underlying physics. In this talk, I will introduce MLHAD, an alternative approach that supplants the...
We study weak isosinglet vectorlike leptons that decay through a small mixing with the tau lepton, for which the discovery and exclusion reaches of the Large Hadron Collider and future proposed hadron colliders are limited. We show how an $e^+ e^-$ collider may act as a discovery machine for these $\tau^{\prime}$ particles, demonstrate that the $\tau^{\prime}$ mass peak can be reconstructed...
Quantum information science offers a fresh perspective to think about quantum field theory. In this talk, I look at the connection between entanglement and symmetries in low-energy scattering of spin-$\frac{1}{2}$ baryons. The baryons transform as an octet under the $SU(3)$ flavor symmetry and their interactions below the pion threshold are described by contact operators in an effective field...
Physicists around the world have been trying to detect an extremely rare, but not invalidated by Standard Model, decay process called neutrinoless double beta decay (0vBB) in Ge since the late 1960s. Two recent experiments, Majorana and GERDA, have pushed the frontier by setting the limit of half-life to be ~10^26 years using ~40 kg of 76Ge. This result eventually also puts an upper limit on...