A Research Roadmap for the Next Pandemic PREPARE (Pandemic Research for Preparedness and Resilience) is an NSF CISE-sponsored virtual organization tasked with fostering research collaborations and synthesizing critical pandemic-related computing research into a roadmap to help inform NSF funding opportunities that will aid our nation’s effective response to the next pandemic. Since we started this project in October 2020, we have hosted eight virtual workshops featuring 72 subject-matter experts as speakers, panelists, and committee members. Collectively, these sessions were attended by over 2000 researchers and viewed on YouTube more than 3800 times. Please see prepare-vo.org1 for more details.
Through the aforementioned workshops, plus conversations with community members, podcast interviews, and literature review, we have gathered a good deal of information which we have synthesized as input into a set of recommendations meant to advise NSF leadership as they determine funding for programs that will help our world prepare to take on the next pandemic. This work represents input from a multidisciplinary assemblage of international researchers, and recommendations are offered in the following areas: Importance of Multidisciplinary Collaborations and Industry-Academia-Government (IAG) Partnerships; Cyberinfrastructure, Data, Data Analysis, and Responsible AI and Tools; and Societal Impacts.
I will briefly summarize the recommendations from the report with a specific focus on role of AI and Data Science in Pandemic response.