9th FRIEND-Water Global Conference 2023 | Université Cheikh Anta Diop, Dakar

Faculté de Médecine, Université Cheikh Anta Diop, Dakar, Senegal

Faculté de Médecine, Université Cheikh Anta Diop, Dakar, Senegal


As a flagship initiative of IHP IX (2022-2029) which puts science to action for a Water Secure World, FRIEND-Water contributes to research on: regional water resources, hydrological extremes (drought and floods), climate resilient water adaption, as well as water education and capacity building.

Every four years, a global conference is held to bring together all the scientists involved to discuss the challenges of research on these issue

    • 09:00
      Registration desk
    • 08:00
      Registration desk & Welcome Faculté de Médecine

      Faculté de Médecine

    • Plenary session: Opening ceremony Amphitheatre


    • Plenary session: Keynote presentations Amphitheatre


      • 1
        Speaker: Prof. Cheikh Bécaye Gaye
      • 2
        Speaker: Prof. Maciej Zalewski
    • 11:00
      Coffee break
    • ST1 | Ecohydrology: Dual regulation Amphitheatre


      Conveners: Didier ORANGE (IRD), Ernest AMOUSSOU (Université Parakou), Maciej ZALEWSKI (European Regional Centre for Ecohydrology), Oula AMROUNI (National Institute of Marine Sciences and Technologies of Tunisia), Pascal BREIL (INRAE)
      • 3
        Quantifying Environmental Water Use
        Speaker: Robert MILHOUS (Retired U.S. Geological Survey)
      • 4
        Two ecohydrological solutions to reduce urban runoff: examples from Lyon (France) and Quérétaro (Mexico)
        Speaker: Pascal BREIL (INRAE)
      • 5
        Do the water stable isotopes (δ 18 O and δ 2 H) give insight into the hydrological impact of agroforestry systems? The case of Faidherbia albida parklands in the Senegalese Groundnut basin
        Speaker: Djim M L DIONGUE (UCAD)
      • 6
        The effect of soil moisture on the physiological parameters of millet and groundnut during a period of water deficit at the beginning of rainy season.
        Speaker: Mame Balla NDIAYE (UCAD)
      • 7
        The augmented biodiversity to improve the domestic waste water cleaning through Nature Based Solutions
        Speaker: Didier ORANGE (IRD)
    • ST2 | Climate change & Water resources resilience: Hazards data treatment & mapping Room 1

      Room 1

      Conveners: Alain DEZETTER, Amadou Thierno GAYE, Aminata NDIAYE, Bastien DIEPPOIS, Luc DESCROIX (IRD), Mohammed MEDDI (Higher National School of Hydraulics), Soussou SAMBOU, Telesphore BROU
      • 8
        Characterization of extreme high water hydroclimatic events in the complex of lower mono-couffo valley
        Speaker: Domiho Japhet KODJA (LACEEDE/EDP/UAC)
      • 9
        Spatio-temporal evolution of rainfall extremes in the city of dakar
      • 10
        Flood risk zone mapping of the Bonoumin-palmeraie watershed using analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and sensitivity tests methods
        Speaker: Jean DANUMAH (Centre Universitaire de Recherche et d'Application en Télédétection (CURAT))
      • 11
        Urban sprawl process in Dakar: impact on runoff and flooding
        Speaker: Laurent Pascal M. DIEME (Université Gaston Berger Saint-Louis)
      • 12
        Rainfall risks and hydro-agricultural developments in the Aga-Foua-Djilas watershed.
        Speaker: Philippe Malick DIONE (Université Assane Seck de Ziguinchor)
    • ST5 | Large rivers management: Supporting shared water uses in large & transboundary basins Room 2

      Room 2

      Conveners: Alioune KANE, Andrew Ogilvie, Ansoumana BODIAN (Université Gaston Berger Saint-Louis), Awa Niang FALL
      • 13
        Use of reanalysis data to estimate water requirements of major crops in the Senegal River Delta
        Speaker: Adja Salamata GASSAMA (Université Gaston Berger Saint-Louis)
      • 14
        Vulnerability of surface water bodies and development of irrigated agriculture: assessment of the ecological quality of the Guiers lake (Senegal)
        Speaker: Hikimat SAADI (UCAD/EDEQUE)
      • 15
        Exploring the “Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystems” nexus in the Senegal river basin: an approach combining participatory workshops and hydroeconomic modelling
        Speaker: Laura SEGUIN (BRGM)
      • 16
        Assessing hydrological processes and water uses beyond official data in Africa: examples from the Senegal River Basin
        Speaker: Laurent BRUCKMANN (Université Laval)
      • 17
        Availability of water resources in the Bango reserve under the anti-salt dam of Diama in the Senegal River delta
        Speaker: Madina BA (UCAD)
    • 13:00
      Lunch break
    • ST1 | Ecohydrology: Dual regulation Room 1

      Room 1

      Conveners: Didier ORANGE (IRD), Ernest AMOUSSOU (AcTNAO interdisciplinary team), Oula AMROUNI (National Institute of Marine Sciences and Technologies of Tunisia), Pascal BREIL (INRAE)
      • 18
        Monitoring of shoreline changes using aerial drone photogrammetry in Mediterranean coast
        Speaker: Abderraouf HZAMI (National Institute of Marine Sciences and Technologies)
      • 19
        Impacts of the spatial evolution of salinity conductivity and hydrogen potential (ph) in the fisheries of Lake Nokoue (southern Benin).
        Speaker: Florentin TOTIN (Laboratoire Pierre PAGNEY Climat Eau Écosystème et Développement - LACEEDE)
      • 20
        Caracterizing soil hydraulic properties using best method in a semi-arid agrosysteme parc land (the peanut basin of senegal)
        Speaker: Waly FAYE (UCAD)
      • 21
        Smartcleangarden concept to provide a value to domestic waste waters in saving waters in tropical cities
        Speaker: Didier ORANGE (IRD)
      • 22
        Quantifying Environmental Water Use
        Speaker: Robert MILHOUS (Retired U.S. Geological Survey)
    • ST2 | Climate change & Water resources resilience: WRR in basins and littoral environments Amphitheatre


      Conveners: Alain DEZETTER, Amadou Thierno GAYE, Aminata NDIAYE, Bastien DIEPPOIS, Luc DESCROIX (IRD), Mohammed MEDDI (Higher National School of Hydraulics), Soussou SAMBOU (UCAD), Telesphore BROU
      • 23
        Assessment of the hydrological resilience of the n’zi river basin in Côte d'Ivoire using the Budyko framework.
        Speaker: Gneneyougou SORO (Université NANGUI ABROGOUA)
      • 24
        Floods on the Ouémé River basin in Benin: A holistic approach of management
        Speaker: Henri Sourou TOTIN VODOUNON (University of Parakou)
      • 25
        Trend Analysis of Low Flows in North Algeria
        Speaker: Hind MEDDI (Higher National School of Hydraulics)
      • 26
        Updating of the intensity-duration-frequency curves (IDF) in the District of Abidjan (Côte d’Ivoire).
        Speaker: Kouakou Christian Junior YAO (Laboratoire de Science de la Matière de l’Environnement et de l’Energie Solaire (LASMES) - Université Félix Houphouët Boigny)
      • 27
        Impacts of climate variability on the resources of the Gambia River watershed
        Speaker: Mamadou NDIONE (UCAD)
      • 28
        Projected water accounts under climate change in the transboundary Volta River Basin
        Speaker: Moctar DEMBELE (University of Oxford)
    • ST5 | Large rivers management: Supporting shared water uses in large & transboundary basins Room 2

      Room 2

      Conveners: Alioune KANE, Andrew Ogilvie, Ansoumana BODIAN (Université Gaston Berger Saint-Louis), Awa Niang FALL
      • 29
        Opportunities for the Agrarian Dynamics in the West African Floodplains
        Speaker: Aymar BOSSA (University of Abomey-Calavi)
      • 30
        Impact of infrastructures on inland water presence within the senegal river basin using gis techniques
        Speaker: Mbayang THIAM (UCAD)
      • 31
        Women in transboundary water conflict resolution in the nile basin: a comparative study between migingo islands in kenya and kagera river in rwanda.
        Speaker: Zipporah MUREITHI (Egerton University)
      • 32
        The impact of climate variability on water resources in the lac de guiers area
        Speaker: Matar SYLLA (UCAD)
      • 33
        Pesticides residues accumulation in freshwater and fish in the Guiers Lake basin: Risks for Senegal's strategic water reservoir
        Speaker: Alousseynou BAH (UCAD)
    • 16:00
      Coffee break
    • ST1 | Ecohydrology: Water related flux/ecosystem services estimation Room 1

      Room 1

      Conveners: Didier ORANGE (IRD), Ernest AMOUSSOU (AcTNAO interdisciplinary team), Oula AMROUNI (National Institute of Marine Sciences and Technologies of Tunisia), Pascal BREIL (INRAE)
      • 34
        Study of the continental waters of the Republic of Djibouti: physico-chemical characteristics and biological (Biodiversity).
        Speaker: Ibrahim SOULEIMAN ABDALLAH (University of Djibouti)
      • 35
        The impacts of competing freshwater resource uses on quality : case of the transboundary Falémé River (Sénégal)
        Speaker: Ange Bouramanding DIEDHIOU (IRD)
      • 36
        Forest-Water Nexus: An Evapotranspiration assessment of the Kafue River Sub-Basin using remote sensing
        Speaker: Muyaka KAMAMBA (University of Zambia)
    • ST2 | Climate change & Water resources resilience: WRR in basins and littoral environments Amphitheatre


      Conveners: Alain DEZETTER, Amadou Thierno GAYE, Aminata NDIAYE, Bastien DIEPPOIS, Luc DESCROIX (IRD), Mohammed MEDDI (Higher National School of Hydraulics), Soussou SAMBOU, Telesphore BROU
      • 37
        The resilience of the Saloum islands (Senegal) in the face of the challenges of access to drinking water: what contribution of the Notto-Diosmone-Palmarin (NDP) transfer system in the governance of water resources in an island environment?
        Speaker: Mouhamadou Mansour NGUIRANE (UCAD/EDEQUE)
      • 38
        Influence of climate change on the water resources in the Central Andes of Argentina
        Speaker: Rodolfo CHRISTIANSEN (Ruhr-Universität Bochum)
      • 39
        The role of fishponds in hydrologic regime
        Speaker: Vaclav DAVID (Czech Technical University in Prague)
      • 40
        Adapting Multireservoir Operation to Long-term Climate Variability Under Climate Change
        Speaker: Vahid ESPANMANESH (Laval University)
      • 41
        Wavelet analysis of spatio-temporal variability in surface soil moisture under different landuses in southwestern Nigeria
        Speaker: Adedayo ADEWOLE (Obafemi Awolowo University - Ile-Ife -Osun State Nigeria)
      • 42
        Portrait of the Koular watershed (Central-Western Senegal) to facilitate effective development to curb saline intrusion.
        Speaker: Cheikh Tidiane WADE (UCAD)
      • 43
        The contribution of the spatial distribution of rainfall for the understanding of the hydrological functioning of the Upper Oum Er-Rbia basin (upstream Machraa Edahk) - Morocco
        Speaker: Nadia LAHLOU (University Mohamed V - Morocco)
    • ST5 | Large rivers management: Sediment presence & transport in large basins Room 2

      Room 2

      Conveners: Alioune KANE, Andrew Ogilvie, Ansoumana BODIAN (Université Gaston Berger Saint-Louis), Awa Niang FALL
      • 44
        The International Sediment Initiative (ISI) and its Case Studies on Sediment Management in River Basins
        Speaker: Cheng LIU (International Research and Training Center on Erosion and Sedimentation)
      • 45
        Evolution of rainfall maximum discharge and solid transport in northern Algeria
        Speaker: Faiza HALLOUZ (Djilali BOUNAAMA University of Khemis Miliana)
      • 46
        First assessment of dissolved and particulate matter biogeochemistry of the Kasaï River
      • 47
        Risks of overflow and salinization of the marigot of Mbao (Senegal) and their impacts on socio-economic activities.
        Speaker: Saidou NDAO (Université de Thiès)
      • 48
        Evaluating the Impact of Climate Variability and Anthropogenic Activities on Streamflow Condition in Large River Basin using Budyko-based Functions
        Speaker: Sabab Ali SHAH (Aror University of Art Architecture Design and Heritage Sindh)
    • 49
      Presenting NUNIEAU: free software for data rescue of hydrometeorological graphic records Amphitheatre


      Speaker: Frédéric PONS (CEREMA)
    • Social: Icebreaking Cocktail Jardin de la Faculté de Médecine

      Jardin de la Faculté de Médecine

    • 08:30
      Registration desk & Welcome Faculté de Médecine

      Faculté de Médecine

    • ST1 | Ecohydrology: Water quality relation to land use Room 2

      Room 2

      Conveners: Didier ORANGE (IRD), Ernest AMOUSSOU (AcTNAO interdisciplinary team), Oula AMROUNI (National Institute of Marine Sciences and Technologies of Tunisia), Pascal BREIL (INRAE)
      • 50
        Groundwater quality and risk assessment of heavy metal pollution using water quality index as a communication tool: Evidence from Ejigbo (Lagos-Nigeria)
        Speaker: Isaiah AKOTEYON (Lagos State University)
      • 51
        The characterization of groundwater and assessment of water quality of the Continental Terminal aquifer in Casamance (Senegal): hydrodynamic - multivariate statistic and hydrochemical approach
        Speaker: Mouhamet Moustapha DIAW (UCAD/EDEQUE/ENIS)
      • 52
        Spatiotemporal variability of water quality parameters in the Niger River
        Speaker: Moussa BOUBACAR MOUSSA (Université Toulouse 3 Paul Sabatier)
      • 53
        Monitoring Coastal Ecosystem Evolution for a Sustainable Blue food security
        Speaker: Oula AMROUNI (National Institute of Marine Sciences and Technologies of Tunisia)
      • 54
        Linking fish assemblages to hydro-morphology and physico-chemical parameters in the Pendjari River (Benin - West Africa)
        Speaker: Simon AHOUANSOU MONTCHO (School of Aquaculture - National University of Agriculture (UNA))
      • 55
        Application of principal component analysis (PCA) for the physicochemical and bacteriological characterization of a tropical hydro system waters: Case of n'djili river watershed (DRC).
        Speaker: Zouera SANI BOUBACAR GOUBE GAOH (Centre de Recherche en Ressources en eaux du Bassin du Congo - Ecole Regionale de l'Eau - Universite de Kinshasa)
    • ST2 | Climate change & Water resources resilience: Hydrological modelling Room 1

      Room 1

      Conveners: Alain DEZETTER, Amadou Thierno GAYE, Aminata NDIAYE, Bastien DIEPPOIS, Luc DESCROIX (IRD), Mohammed MEDDI (Higher National School of Hydraulics), Soussou SAMBOU, Telesphore BROU
      • 56
        Runoff Sensitivity to Climate Variability and Land Cover Change reveals a second Sahel Hydrological Paradox
        Speaker: Elias NKIAKA (University of Sheffield)
      • 57
        Mise en place de modèles de prédétermination des débits dans les bassins non jaugés : cas du bassin versant transfrontalier de la Comoé (Côte d’Ivoire - Mali - Burkina - Ghana)
        Speaker: Koffi Eugène KOUAKOU (INP-HB YAMOUSSOUKRO)
      • 58
        Past and future hydrological extremes analysis over the Senegal river basin
        Speaker: Mamadou Lamine MBAYE (Université Assane SECK de Ziguinchor)
      • 59
        Application du modèle swat pour la modélisation de l’ecoulement dans un bassin versant peu jauge en zone soudano- sahélienne (burkina faso)
        Speaker: Niang DIAL (Institut International d'Inginierie de l'Eau de l'Environnement (2iE))
      • 60
        Analysis of the start and end dates of the rainy season in the Kayanga/Geba and Koliba/Corubal river basins (Guinea - Senegal - Guinea-Bissau)
        Speaker: Saly SAMBOU (UCAD)
      • 61
        Numerical modelling of flooding in sub-Saharan African cities: Insights from Ouagadougou Area - Burkina Faso
        Speaker: Tazen FOWE (International Institute for Water and Environmental Engineering)
    • ST3 | Bridging the data-knowledge gaps in hydrology: Development of climate & hydro services Amphitheatre


      Conveners: Abdoulaye FATY (UCAD), Jean-Emmanuel PATUREL (IRD), Jérôme LE COZ (INRAE), Stephan DIETRICH (ICWRGC)
      • 62
        HAMR: drought monitoring system
        Speaker: Adam VIZINA (T.G.Masaryk Water Research Institution)
      • 63
        Valorization of meteorological archives in Côte d’Ivoire
        Speaker: Jean-Emmanuel PATUREL (IRD)
      • 64
        Hydrosos: Implementing a global Hydrological Status and Outlook System from the bottom up
        Speaker: Lucy BARKER (UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology (UKCEH))
      • 65
        Innovative approaches in water resources status and forecasting – a global perspective
        Speaker: Nathan RICKARDS (UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology)
      • 66
        Facilitating access to global runoff data: API and tools for GRDC data sets
        Speaker: Thomas RECKNAGEL (Global Runoff Data Cenrte (GRDC))
      • 67
        A FRIEND-Water perspective on Bridging Data Knowledge Gaps in Hydrology
        Speaker: Stephan DIETRICH (ICWRGC)
      • 68
        The Global Runoff Database – A unique archive for river discharge data
        Speaker: Thomas RECKNAGEL (Global Runoff Data Centre (GRDC))
    • 10:30
      Coffee break
    • Joint ST1/ST2/ST3 session: Understanding and protecting Groundwater resources Room 1

      Room 1

      Conveners: Aristide DOUAGUI (Université Nangui Abrogoua), Serigne FAYE (UCAD)
      • 69
        Approach of geophysical prospection (1D) to the knowledge of groundwater resources of the Sissili sub-catchment Burkina-Faso
        Speaker: Moussa D. FAYE (Institut 2IE)
      • 70
        Assessment of the risk of pollution of an area suitable for the establishment of a water point: case of the department of Yamoussoukro (Central Côte d'Ivoire)
        Speaker: Jules MANGOUA (Université Jean Lorougnon Guédé Daloa)
      • 71
        The marine intrusion in the Maghreb countries bordering the Mediterranean Sea.
        Speaker: Larbi DJABRI (Laboratoire Ressource en Eau & Développement Durable. Université Badji Mokhtar Annaba)
      • 72
        Groundwater salinity in Senegal : geomorphological factors and spatialisation
        Speaker: Luc DESCROIX (IRD)
      • 73
        Overexploitation of the Maastrichtian aquifer in Senegal
        Speaker: Maria FAYE (UCAD)
      • 74
        Functional and statistical study for 3 cycles of the losses with high temporal resolution (1 hour) measured in the bed of the Gardon (France) downstream from Ners (Gard)
        Speaker: Saliou KAMARA (Avignon université/UMR ESPACE/CNRS)
      • 75
        Rising groundwater levels and pollution in the thiaroye aquifer of Dakar Senegal: water management in a rapidly growing urban environment
        Speaker: Seynabou Cisse FAYE (Geology Department Faculty of Sciences & Techniques - UCAD)
      • 76
        Assessment of climate extremes on groundwater in Africa and projection of their medium and long term impacts
        Speaker: Komi Mawulom Claude AFAMONDJI (Laboratory of Geosciences Water and Environment of the Faculty of Sciences at the Mohammed V University in Rabat)
    • ST3 | Bridging the data-knowledge gaps in hydrology: Open science & open edu resources in hydrology Room 2

      Room 2

      Conveners: Abdoulaye FATY (UCAD), Jean-Emmanuel PATUREL (IRD), Jérôme LE COZ (INRAE), Stephan DIETRICH (ICWRGC)
      • 77
        Quantifying the uncertainty of ADCP discharge measurements through inter-comparisons
        Speaker: Jérôme LE COZ (INRAE)
      • 78
        Open and Free Datasets for Hydrology Research: Insights Challenges and Opportunities
        Speaker: Michelle NEWCOMER (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
      • 79
        Socio-economic assessment of access and management of drinking water in island areas: case of the island of Niodior (Fatick-Senegal)
        Speaker: Oumou NIANG (Institut des Sciences de l'Environnement/UCAD/DAKAR/SENEGAL)
    • ST5 | Large rivers management: Exploring hydroclimatic variability in large basins Amphitheatre


      Conveners: Alioune KANE (UCAD), Andrew Ogilvie, Ansoumana BODIAN (Université Gaston Berger Saint-Louis), Awa Niang FALL (UCAD)
      • 80
        Variability of the Senegal River floodplain under climate change scenarios
        Speaker: Andrew Ogilvie
      • 81
        Sensitivity of the GR4J model to different estimating methods of potential evapotranspiration
        Speaker: Ansoumana BODIAN (Université Gaston Berger Saint-Louis)
      • 82
        Satellite-based Rainfall Estimates to Simulate Daily Streamflow Using a Hydrological Model over Gambia Watershed
        Speaker: Bakary FATY (Direction de la Gestion et de la Planification des Ressources en Eau)
      • 83
        Open earth observation data for water accounting in large river basins: case of the Volta River basin in West Africa
        Speaker: Moctar DEMBELE (International Water Management Institute (IWMI))
      • 84
        The great Niaye of Pikine (Dakar): water management in chronic uncertainty
        Speaker: Mouhamed DANGOURA (UCAD)
      • 85
        Projected changes in the rainfall annual cycle over the Senegal River Basin using CMIP5 bias-corrected simulations
        Speaker: Moussa DIAKHATE (Université Amadou Mahtar MBOW)
      • 86
        Effect of the SWATPLUS input parameters on the modeling of the Senegal River flow at the Bafing - Bakoye - Faleme
        Speaker: Mousse Landing SANE (UCAD)
      • 87
        First approaches for the development of the SWAT model in the Senegal River Basin
        Speaker: Abou DIA (UCAD)
      • 88
        Transboundary basins: Governance and cooperation among African States
        Speaker: Adeyemi OLUSOLA (York University)
    • ST3 | Bridging the data-knowledge gaps in hydrology: Scientific data mgmt & data exchange in hydrology Room 2

      Room 2

      Conveners: Abdoulaye FATY (UCAD), Jean-Emmanuel PATUREL (IRD), Jérôme LE COZ (INRAE), Stephan DIETRICH (ICWRGC)
      • 89
        ROBIN - A Reference Observatory of Basins for international hydrological climate change detection
        Speaker: Jamie HANNAFORD (UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology)
      • 90
        New time series of gridded climatic variables for Czechia and their potential for nationwide hydrology
        Speaker: Ondrej LEDVINKA (Czech Hydrometeorological Institute)
      • 91
        The Global Terrestrial Network - Hydrology (GTN-H): a unique source of global hydrological observations
        Speaker: Stephan DIETRICH (ICWRGC)
      • 92
        The International Soil Moisture Network (ISMN): A permanent service for delivering long-term in situ soil moisture data
        Speaker: Wolfgang KORRES (Federal Institute of Hydrology)
    • 13:00
      Lunch break
    • Joint ST1/ST2/ST5 session: Advancing Interdisciplinarity & Science for water solutions Room 2

      Room 2

      Conveners: Gil MAHE (IRD), Madiodio NIASSE, Rodric Merime NONKI (LEMAP - University of Yaoundé 1), Valerie BORRELL ESTUPINA (Université de Montpellier)
      • 93
        Urban flooding in West Africa: holistic approaches to urban management in West Africa - the case of the propagation of rainfall floods in Cotonou
        Speaker: Ernest AMOUSSOU (AcTNAO interdisciplinary team)
      • 94
        Impacts of climate change on river sustainability in a semi-arid agricultural region of South Africa
        Speaker: Jane TANNER (Rhodes University)
      • 95
        Identifying non water-related leverages to improve water security at the local scale
        Speaker: Olivier BARRETEAU (INRAE)
      • 96
        Using the water footprint concept to understand the link between water scarcity and violent conflicts in the Central-West Africa sub-region.
        Speaker: Elias NKIAKA (University of Sheffield)
      • 97
        A teaching unit designed in innovative and active pedagogy to understand and meet the climate resilience transdisciplinary challenges that are facing our territories (south and north) labeled by the UNESCO ICIREWARD center
        Speaker: Valerie BORRELL ESTUPINA (Université de Montpellier)
      • 98
        Charm-EU pilot capstone on climate resilience of farming communities
        Speaker: Dimitri SORO (Université Félix Houphouet-Boigny)
    • ST2 | Climate change & Water resources resilience: Hydrometeorological variability & indices Room 1

      Room 1

      Conveners: Alain DEZETTER, Amadou Thierno GAYE, Aminata NDIAYE, Bastien DIEPPOIS, Luc DESCROIX (IRD), Mohammed MEDDI (Higher National School of Hydraulics), Soussou SAMBOU, Telesphore BROU
      • 99
        Investigating past and future changes of hydroclimatic extremes in the Ouémé headwater catchment in West Africa
        Speaker: Aymar BOSSA (University of Abomey-Calavi)
      • 100
        Study of climate variability in the Mountain District of Côte d'Ivoire (1961 to 2020).
        Speaker: Coulibaly LEREYAHA (UnIversité de MAN)
      • 101
        Variabilite interannuelle de la pluviometrie de la zone forestiere aux savanes dans le sud-ouest centrafricain
        Speaker: Jean Marie DJEBATA (École Normale Supérieure (ENS) de Bangui)
      • 102
        Large-Scale Climatic Drivers of Long-term variability in the Frequency of Flood Events across Sub-Saharan Africa
        Speaker: Job EKOLU (Coventry University)
      • 103
        Water Resources Resilience of the « false » West African Water Tower
        Speaker: Luc DESCROIX (IRD)
      • 104
        Dry spells in the Ichkeul lake basin (Tunisia): diagnosis of droughts using daily data
        Speaker: Majid MATHLOUTHI (LRSTE)
    • ST4 | Spatial hydrology: Innovative observation technologies Amphitheatre


      Conveners: Fernand KOUAME (UVCI), Raphael TSHIMANGA (CRREBaC), Santiago YEPEZ (University of Concepción)
      • 105
        Apport des outils spatiaux dans la compréhension de paramètres hydrologiques dans le bassin versant Djiguimar
        Speaker: Abdoulaye FATY (UCAD)
      • 106
        Application of remote sensing to water quality parameters over lakes using time series from Sentinel-2 and Landsat-8/9. Study case: laguna grande - bíobio - chile
        Speaker: Santiago YEPEZ (University of Concepción)
      • 107
        Satellite-based monthly surface water storage database for the Congo basin from 1992-2015
        Speaker: Benjamin KITAMBO (Laboratoire d'études en géophysique et océanographie spatiales (LEGOS))
      • 108
        Characterization of flooding in the Mono basin with the HEC RAS model
        Speaker: Ernest AMOUSSOU (Université de Parakou)
      • 109
        Flood risk management and local development in the Dyonkoto - Boubon strip in Niger: remote sensing approach
        Speaker: Hadiza KIARI FOUGOU (Université de Diffa - Niger)
      • 110
        Modeling freshwater discharge of poorly monitored African rivers using remote sensing-based land surface model
        Speaker: Komlavi AKPOTI (International Water management Institute)
    • 16:00
      Coffee break
    • Joint ST1/ST2/ST5 session: Advancing Interdisciplinarity & Science for water solutions Room 2

      Room 2

      Conveners: Gil MAHE (IRD), Madiodio NIASSE, Rodric Merime NONKI (LEMAP - University of Yaoundé 1), Valerie BORRELL ESTUPINA (Université de Montpellier)
      • 111
        Water balance of ponds and their place in the agropastoral society of the Patar commune (Senegal) Room 2

        Room 2

        Speaker: Fatou DIOUF (UCAD)
      • 112
        Transdisciplinarity - a need for the education of people on the Climate Change: the example of GFS in Senegal Room 2

        Room 2

        Speaker: Didier ORANGE (IRD)
      • 113
        Co-managing scarce water resources in agricultural areas: A stakeholder centred approach Room 1

        Room 1

        Speaker: David GWAPEDZA (Rhodes University, South Africa)
      • 114
        Delegation of public drinking water service management - an alternative to the community management model for improving access to water in rural Senegal. Room 2

        Room 2

        Speaker: Samba BA (UCAD/EDEQUE)
      • 115
        Integrated stormwater management in a context of major development of a new city: case of the urban pole of diamniadio (dakar/senegal) Room 2

        Room 2

        Speaker: Bandiougou NDIAYE (UCAD)
      • 116
        Impacts of socio-economic activities on the quality of water resources in the commune of darou khoudoss. Room 2

        Room 2

        Speaker: Vieux Malang DIATTA (UCAD)
      • 117
        Agriculture urbaine genre et résilience climatique à Korhogo (nord de la Côte d’Ivoire) Room 2

        Room 2

    • ST2 | Climate change & Water resources resilience: Hydrometeorological variability & indices Room 1

      Room 1

      Conveners: Alain DEZETTER, Amadou Thierno GAYE, Aminata NDIAYE, Bastien DIEPPOIS, Luc DESCROIX (IRD), Mohammed MEDDI (Higher National School of Hydraulics), Soussou SAMBOU, Telesphore BROU
      • 118
        Effects of climate change on water requirements of orange trees in the Mitidja plain in Algeria
        Speaker: Mohammed MEDDI (Higher National School of Hydraulics)
      • 119
        Quantifying and partitioning the uncertainties of climate change impacts on hydrology and hydropower potential under 1.50C and 2.00C Global Warming Levels in the Headwaters of the Benue River Basin - Cameroon
        Speaker: Rodric Merime NONKI (Laboratory for Environmental Modeling and Atmospheric Physics (LEMAP) - Department of Physics - Faculty of Sciences - University of Yaoundé 1)
      • 120
        Analyse spectrale des précipitations mensuelles dans les régions situées au Centre du Sénégal.
        Speaker: Ibraima TOURE (UCAD)
      • 121
        Hydrological modelling with the SWAT tool of the Sandougou watershed in a context of climate change
        Speaker: Ahmadou Bamba DIENG (UCAD)
      • 122
        Paradox of water security and governance in the mountain range of fouta djallon
        Speaker: Coura KANE (Université Alioune Diop de Bambey)
    • ST4 | Spatial hydrology: Innovative observation technologies Amphitheatre


      Conveners: Fernand KOUAME (UVCI), Raphael TSHIMANGA (CRREBaC), Santiago YEPEZ (University of Concepción)
      • 123
        Harnessing spatial patterns of satellite data for multivariate hydrological model calibration
        Speaker: Moctar DEMBELE (University of Oxford)
      • 124
        Contribution of remote sensing to flood hazard mapping in the Riviera-Bonoumin watershed in the District of Abidjan (Ivory Coast)
        Speaker: Bi Vami Hermann N'GUESSAN (Centre Universitaire de Recherche et d'Application en Télédétection (CURAT) - Université Félix Houphouët-Boigny)
      • 125
        Evaluation of global gridded rainfall products in the main hydrosystems of Senegal: Casamance - Gambia - Senegal
        Speaker: Omar GOUDIABY (Université Gaston Berger Saint-Louis)
      • 126
        Analysis of the performance of satellite products for estimating evapotranspiration in the Senegal River Delta
        Speaker: Papa Malick NDIAYE (Université Gaston Berger Saint-Louis)
      • 127
        Groundwater Potential Zone mapping using Geographical informationsystem by Fuzzy- Analytic Hierarchy Process in humid area: case study ( Ghar El Melh (North Eastern of Tunisia))
        Speaker: Amal KOUAIED (Université Tunis El Manar ( faculté des sciences de Tunis El Manar))
      • 128
        Groundwater Recharge Zone Mapping Using GIS-based Multi-Criteria Evaluation and Analytical Hierarchy Process: A Case Study of Trarza Aquifer (Mauritania)
        Speaker: Aguibou BA (UCAD)
    • UNESCO IHP-IX: FIGCC internal meeting Room 1

      Room 1

    • UNESCO IHP-IX: FRIEND-Water WORKSHOP Faculté de Médecine

      Faculté de Médecine

      • 129
        Presentation of UNESCO IHP-IX and FRIEND-Water
      • 10:30
        Coffee break
      • 130
        Brainstorming on FRIEND-Water activities for 2023-2029 (in groups)
      • 13:00
        Lunch break
      • 131
        Defining IHP-IX milestones for FRIEND-Water 2023-2029 (in groups)
      • 16:00
        Coffee break
      • 132
        Synthesis and next steps
    • Social: Gala dinner (Live music from Frères Guissé) Restaurant La Playa

      Restaurant La Playa

      Corniche ouest, 45 Avenue Malick Sy - La porte du millénaire Dakar
    • UNESCO IHP-IX: Presentation and discussion of 23 UPH in Africa & IAHS Africa Regional Committee Faculté de Médecine

      Faculté de Médecine

    • 10:30
      Coffee break
    • Plenary session: Closing ceremony Amphitheatre, Faculté de Médecine

      Amphitheatre, Faculté de Médecine

    • 13:00
      Lunch break