Arduino workshop: Making Analog Objects Digital
The Arduino courses are back! In this series of Arduino Courses, you will reinvent analog objects to make them ready for the digital era. We will go through the concepts behind the objects and how to interpret them using modern technology.
What you will learn?
In this workshop, you will make a dial gauge that shows the ambient CO2 concentration, using a servomotor and some 3D printed parts.
What is this for?
This workshop will present the use of electronic tools for rapid prototyping, programming for hardware projects, and the big world of the Internet-of-Things. No prior knowledge is needed. The workshop is aimed at everyone located at CERN.
Why is it interesting?
Nowadays, you are surrounded by many digital devices and you don't know how they work. With this workshop you will discover why and how these things are built, while taking a peek at their inner mechanisms.
Each workshop is limited to 15 attendees. The required software is Arduino IDE. You are asked to bring along your own laptop (if not possible, please indicate this in the registration form). Like best things in CERN, it is free of charge.
The date is as follows, and workshops are filled in the order of registrations:
Workshop: 17.30-19.30 at IdeaSquare.
The workshops will be run by Alberto Perro.
Alberto Perro is a PhD student in Physics at the LHCb Experiment. He has worked as a embedded devices engineer for 8 years. He hosted numerous courses about Arduino, electronics, and rapid prototyping.