- 0:00 (30 min) Introduce the Python tools; see lecture-slides.ipynb
- 0:30 (20 min) Compute the Z mass in CUDA with Numba
- 0:50 (20 min) Introduce tree-reduction
- 1:10 (20 min) Students work on Project 1: parallel histogram filling
- 1:30 (5 min) break
- 1:35 (20 min) Review Project 1 solutions (don't peek until you've tried it!)
- 1:55 (20 min) Introduce random seeding of parallel algorithms
- 2:15 (20 min) Students work on Project 2: compute area by random sampling
- 2:35 (5 min) break
- 2:40 (20 min) Review Project 2 solutions (don't peek until you've tried it!)
- 3:00 end