Topic: WLCG DOMA BDT Meeting (twiki)
News 5m
Tape REST access 10mSpeaker: Mihai PATRASCOIU (CERN)
StoRM TAPE REST implementation
- should be already available according Stephan
CMS status
- ~ 3 sites ready to be switched to TAPE REST
- davs protocol in Rucio already configured for TAPE RSEs
- Rucio automatically sends transfers requests from TAPE RSEs with "bringonline timeout"
- this is sufficient for FTS to use TAPE REST for davs transfers
- now it is sufficient just to delete SRM protocol
ATLAS status
- details tracked in the Tape REST twiki timeline (FZK, CERN in production)
- stuck while trying to understand if it would make sense to reorganize storage namespace for tokens
- no reorganization
- revive effort to move away from SRM
Transfers with tokens 15mSpeakers: Petr Vokac (Czech Technical University in Prague (CZ)), Francesco Giacomini (INFN CNAF)
Rucio / FTS & tokens
- recent update at Dirac & Rucio Workshop - slides for Rucio & FTS
- to be evaluated during November DC24 Workshop
dCache access with just tokens including storage.* scopes
- latest dCache allows more simple configuration that gives access only to tokens with storage scopes
- available in 9.2 and backported to 8.2.33
- ongoing tests before we ask dCache sites to configured tokens
- DESY is testing this configuration
- FNAL also for CMS
- PRAGUELCG2 is going to test it for ATLAS
- preferred solution for WLCG experiments
- sites will be most probably asked to move to the most recent dCache releases when they would like to enable tokens
Packet marking 10mSpeakers: Marian Babik (CERN), Shawn Mc Kee (University of Michigan (US))
Scitags support announced:
- Rucio from 32.4.0 (interface to FTS to be defined)
- FTS from 3.12.11 and GFAL2 from 2.22.0
- release next week / deployed on CERN pilot instance
- other production instances with standard schedule (+ 2 week)
- Xrootd (this ticket now becomes relevant: https://github.com/xrootd/xrootd/issues/1984 HTTP-TPC support)
- Brian contacted Cedric - XRootD development can move forward with SciTag support
- currently XRootD supports just static configuration (can't be used on multi-VO instances and no activity details)
UCSD/Caltech testing flowd, interested in both fireflies and packet marking
. - Looking into flowd integration with Kubernetes
. - Packet marking readout already available via sFlow
Preparations for SC23 on-going, plans:
. - Show 400Gbps packet marking (with xrootd, disk-to-disk and iperf3)
- Use fireflies and show R&E dashboard based on data received (in collaboration with ESnet)
We will submit abstract to DC24 workshop to give an update on our plans.Meetings on BBRv3, TC, jumbo frames testing (https://indico.cern.ch/event/1329666 https://indico.cern.ch/event/1337182/)
WebDAV Error Message Improvement Project & unified error message format 15m
Discuss with experts improvements in the error messages produced by failed transfers.
https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/LCG/WebdavErrorImprovementSpeaker: Stephan Lammel (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US)) - 17:25 → 17:30