5–9 Dec 2023
Haeundae, Busan, South Korea
Asia/Seoul timezone

Axionic and Phonon Polaritons for Axion Dark Matter Detection (via Zoom)

6 Dec 2023, 17:15
Paradise Hotel, 1F Banquet Room (Sicily) (Haeundae, Busan, South Korea)

Paradise Hotel, 1F Banquet Room (Sicily)

Haeundae, Busan, South Korea

296, Haeundaehaebyeon-ro (Jung-dong), Haeundae-gu, Busan, South Korea


Dr Jan Schutte-Engel (UC Berkeley/Riken)


Zoom link: https://pusan.zoom.us/j/86275799785pwd=EK6wqm0UJV8aZDqvvpmaE3UMHXsbVo.1
(ID : 862 7579 9785, Code secret: 335557)

In this talk I will describe how one can use collective effects in materials to detect axion dark matter (DM). I will first discuss topological magnetic insulators which can host axion quasiparticles (AQs). The AQs can resonantly mix with DM axions and photons leading to an enhanced DM signal in a photon detector. As a second example I discuss how one can utilize crystal lattice phonon excitations to search for axion DM. The DM signal calculation takes into account boundary effects and material losses. A central element in our calculation plays the effective refractive index, which in principle can be measured with transmission spectroscopy.


Dr Jan Schutte-Engel (UC Berkeley/Riken)

Presentation materials