Measurements of vector boson (VB) polarisation in VB production processes offer a powerful probe of the electroweak symmetry breaking mechanism, scrutinising the Standard Model and new physics scenarios alike. Since massive VBs can only be observed as intermediate particles, polarised cross section templates from simulation are necessary to extract their polarisation from measurable...
A sensitivity study to new physics parametrized in the context of dimension-6 CP-even operators of the Standard Model Effective Field Theory (SMEFT) is obtained by combining several analyses performed at the parton-level. These include the production of opposite charged W bosos (W±W∓) and various flavours of VBS signatures (W±W±,W±W∓, ZZ, WZ) in leptonic or semi-leptonic final states. The...
Effective Field Theory (EFT) interpretations of the LHC data are gaining popularity as they allow to decouple analyses from a specific UV-complete model. All the leading dimension-six terms can be constrained only by combining inputs from Top, Higgs, EW and QCD physics. While typically Vector Boson Scattering (VBS) measurements are interpreted in terms of subleading dimension-eight EFT...
Solutions to the dark matter puzzle and the hierarchy problem can include a BSM fermion $\psi$ that is a SM singlet and couples to the visible sector via a Higgs portal interaction: $\mathcal{L}_{H \psi} = c_{\psi}/f \ |H|^2 \bar{\psi} \psi$. Despite its potential of solving these tensions with the SM being well-established, the study of $\mathcal{L}_{H \psi}$ at hadron colliders remains...
We introduce a strategy based on unsupervised learning to identify new physics contributions in Vector Boson Scattering events at the LHC.
New physics contributions are modeled within the Standard Model Effective Field Theory (SMEFT) framework. Our anomaly detection strategy relies on Variational AutoEncoders (VAEs), which operate a dimensionality reduction and then map the lower...