29 April 2024 to 7 June 2024
Bernoulli Center
Europe/Zurich timezone

Evolution of Cosmological Magnetic Fields from Early to Late Times

6 May 2024, 10:45
Bernoulli Center

Bernoulli Center

EPFL, Lausanne


Tina Kahniashvili


The physics of primordial magnetic fields can be broken down into three main motifs that are addressed: the generation of a magnetic field in the early universe, the evolution of this magnetic fields subject to
magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) effects through the various cosmological epochs, and the detection and/or probing of this magnetic field with a comprehensive array of astrophysical and cosmological observations. After the seed magnetic field is formed at the magnetogenesis epoch, its subsequent evolution is governed by a coupling to plasma turbulence, decay due to adiabatic expansion and Alfvenic unfolding, and resistive dissipation. After the recombination epoch the seed field stays frozen-in and starts to interact with cosmic again during first structure formation and reionization. In this talk I will review the evolution of the magnetic fields from the moment of its generation till today.

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