2023 Fall CTEQ meeting Nov 9-10, Michigan State University. The CTEQ Fall meeting 2023 will be hosted by MSU in the Biomedical & Physical Sciences (BPS) building on campus. The meeting consists of a one-day session that is open to everyone, and a 1/2 day CTEQ-internal business meeting.
The main topic of the open meeting will be PDFs and top quarks: Constraining PDFs through top-quark measurements, and the impact of PDFs on measurement and prediction uncertainties.
Please register so that we can an idea of the expected attendance. Registration is free. Please let the organizers know if you would like to give a talk.
Organized by:
Joey Huston (MSU)
Huey-Wen Lin (MSU)
Paul Reimer (Argonne)
Reinhard Schwienhorst (MSU, chair)
Doreen Wackeroth (University at Buffalo)
Sponsored by the HEP group at Michigan State University.