Privacy Information

Data controller
Anastasiia Lazuka/CERN

Privacy notice

Welcome | Data Privacy at CERN

Guards service privacy notice

We respect our participants’ privacy and privacy rights. We are therefore committed to the responsible and legally compliant handling of personal data.

When registering for the event, the information you provide us with will include: 
• your name;
• your email address;
• your affiliation;
• the mode of lecture attendance (in-person or online). 

These data are collected for the following purposes: 
• To reserve a place for you at the event (in case of the in-person attendance).
• To communicate with you about the event and share related information, such as event updates, possible changes, cancellations, surveys or similar information.
• For our internal statistics purposes.
• For the logistics of the event.

We will only retain your personal data for as long as reasonably necessary to fulfil the purposes we collected it for (but no longer than 6 months following the start of the event). 

The information collected will not be shared with any external entities, only with the relevant services at CERN. 

By registering for this event, you also acknowledge that photographs and/or live-stream and recordings might be taken during the event. We reserve the right to use this audio-visual material for communication about the event, that is not a subject of inspection, approval, or compensation.

The complete CERN Privacy notice can be found here