DD4hep Developers Meeting



Andre Sailer (CERN), Markus Frank (CERN)

Please Join DD4hep developer's meeting via Zoom

DD4hep Developers Meeting
Zoom Meeting ID
Andre Sailer
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Present:  M.Frank, T.Madlener, A.Sailer

1) Pending problems

1) ISSUE970:  Support for digitization in ddsim
                       ==> On hold

2) ISSUE1103: Allow isotrope generator to throw range around specified (reference) direction: Waiting for user
3) ISSUE1117:  RE-OPENED: New visualization by reference edits alpha value of referenced VisAttr.
                       Apparently order of creating logical volumes affects visualization attributes
                       Changes in ROOT now present. Still requires update in DD4hep
                       See: PR1155
4) ISSUE1143: DetectorChecksum memory consumption scales with complexity (and maxes out...): Wait for user
5) ISSUE1163: materialScan is not adapted for USE_GEANT4_UNITS
6) ISSUE1168: Allow to give CAD files with relative paths similar to importing xml files (DDCAD)
7) ISSUE1167: Charge sharing across tracker segmentation  ---> DDDigi
8) ISSUE1173:  memory issue for large geometries
9)ISSUE1182: NEW Can not find Python_INCLUDE_DIRS $ Python_LIBARIES 
                       ==> Likely installation issue of ROOT
10) PR1148:        RE-OPENED:  feat: convert several DDRec constructors to use const Detector&
11) PR1172: DetectorChecksum.cpp: fix a typo Problem: existing checksums get invalid!

12) ISSUE1185: cmake: CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD overruled by Geant4_CXX_FLAGS in DDG4 #1185
13) ISSUE1183: Varying roughness of optical surface for reflection
                       ==> Non-issue. Requested stuff is present. Asked to close after verification.

2)    Closed issues and fixed problems
1) ISSUE580:  List All Readout Channels. Finally closed by Valentin. :-)
2) ISSUE1180/PR1181: Relative include of files inside <plugins> starts from wrong directory

3) Round table
Markus:      NTR
Andre:        new DD4hep tag 1.27.0.
Thomas:     NTR

4) AOB
Thomas: Are there hooks to flag SimCalorimeterHit objects after fast simulation.
                 Not yet, but should be simple to implement.

Next meeting:   16nd. November 2023

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    • 3:30 PM 3:50 PM
      Around the table 20m