The high-granularity homogeneous electromagnetic calorimeters (ECALs), designed for future lepton colliders, demonstrate outstanding electromagnetic energy resolution and maintain sufficient low-energy photon detection capability. This demands an excellent electronic system for the readout of silicon photomultipliers (SiPMs), capable of covering a wide dynamic range from single photons to $10^5$ photons. The novel 32-channel large dynamic range Application-Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) MPT2321-B developed by MicroParity is considered to be a promising candidate for the front-end readout of the high-granularity homogeneous ECALs.
Comprehensive measurements were made using the charge injection method and laser calibration of SiPMs in the laboratory. The first high-energy electron beamtest of the chip with crystals and SiPMs has been conducted, demonstrating excellent signal-to-noise for single photon calibration and a large dynamic range.