- Yuji Goto (RIKEN (JP))
As an upgrade of the ALICE experiment at the LHC, the Forward Calorimeter (FoCal) with a unique capability to measure direct photon production at the forward rapidity has reached the final stage of the development. FoCal consists of the Si+W electromagnetic calorimeter with longitudinal segmentation (FoCal-E) and Cu+Scintilation-fiber hadronic calorimeter (FoCal-H), and each FoCal-E module has...
The Zero Degree Calorimeters (ZDC) of the ALICE experiment at LHC were designed to characterize the event and monitor the luminosity in heavy-ion measurement.
In order to fully exploit the potential offered by the LHC increased luminosity in Run 3, while preserving the time and charge resolution performance, the ZDC readout system was upgraded to allow the acquisition of all collisions in...
The sPHENIX hadronic calorimeter (HCal) was successfully commissioned in 2023, which marks the very first sampling hadronic calorimeter with large acceptance coverage at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider at Brookhaven National Laboratory. The HCal consists of two sections (called Outer and Inner HCal) which sandwiches a super conducting magnet of 1.4T ($\sim \! 0.4 \lambda_0$). The Outer...
The Electron-Ion Collider (EIC) is a Nuclear Physics facility being built at Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA. It will address the fundamental questions in science regarding the visible world, such as the origin of the nucleon mass, the nucleon spin, and the emergent properties of a dense system of gluons.
Realizing the ambitious EIC physics program requires an extremely capable detector...