The high-granularity homogeneous electromagnetic calorimeters (ECALs), designed for future lepton colliders, demonstrate outstanding electromagnetic energy resolution and maintain sufficient low-energy photon detection capability. This demands an excellent electronic system for the readout of silicon photomultipliers (SiPMs), capable of covering a wide dynamic range from single photons to...
The development of next-generation calorimeter technology for future accelerator experiments is being advanced. As elemental technologies, it aim to integrate two promising calorimeter technologies, โdual readout calorimeterโ and โhigh-granularity calorimeter,โ and to realize calorimeter technology with high time resolution. Dual readout technology is realized by stacking layers of Cherenkov...
Dual-readout calorimeters utilize two distinct readouts from scintillation and Cerenkov fibers to measure energy, yielding high hadronic energy resolution. While these calorimeters can reconstruct the energy, position, and particle type of detected showers, conventional methods are limited to distinguishing between electromagnetic and hadronic particles. To overcome this limitation, we explore...
The HKROC ASIC was originally designed to readout the photomultiplier tubes (PMTs) for the Hyper-Kamiokande (HK) experiment. HKROC is a very innovative ASIC capable of readout a large number of channels satisfying stringent requirements in terms of noise, speed and dynamic range. Each HKROC channel features a low-noise preamplifier and shapers, a 10-bit successive approximation...
This research focuses on the development of next-generation calorimeter technology that opens access to a '5D calorimeter,' which measures not only energy but also the precise hit position and timing. This technology integrates two key techniques: the 'high-granularity calorimeter' and the 'dual-readout calorimeter,' while also incorporating picosecond-level timing resolution. Within this...
Large Hadron Collider (LHC) produces many energetic mesons with energies of several TeV in the very forward region of the collisions. The LHC forward (LHCf) experiment measures $\pi^0$, $\eta$, $K^0_s$ as well as single photons and neutrons with two detectors called as LHCf-Arm1 and Arm2, which were installed 140 m away from the ATLAS interaction point and cover the pseudorapidity region of ฮท...
Quarks and gluons, which are normally confined within hadrons by strong interactions, are released from the confinement at high temperatures and densities, which is called quark-gluon plasma (QGP). To understand QGP, high-energy heavy ion collision experiment has been produced in laboratory and research has been carried out to investigate this property. One of unknowns about the QGP is that it...
We propose the concept of Jet Origin Identification that aims to identify from which colored SM particle an objective jet originated.
Using full simulated CEPC 2-jet events data, we realize this concept using Arbor and ParticleNet.
In this context, jet origin identification could simultaneously identify 11 different origins of a jet, corresponding to 5 quarks (UDSBC), 5 anti-quarks, and...
To achieve the physics goal of precisely measure the Higgs, Z, W bosons and the top quark, future electron-positron colliders require that their detector system has excellent jet energy resolution. One feasible technical option is the high granular calorimetery based on the particle flow algorithm (PFA). A new high-granularity hadronic calorimeter with glass scintillator tiles (GSHCAL) has...
A HGCROC[1] is an integrated circuit with low noise and wide dynamic range readout for the real detectors to be installed in the experiments.
However, during the R&D phases of silicon detectors, we usually just need a much simpler preamplifier to evaluate a silicon sensor. In this case a sophisticated preamplifier system, like HGCROC is not needed.
Therefore, we developed a highly versatile...
The Forward Calorimeter (FoCal) detector is scheduled for installing in the ALICE experiment for the LHC-Run4 upgrade (2029-2032).
The FoCal consists of the FoCal-E (Electromagnetic Calorimeter) and the FoCal-H (Hadronic Calorimeter). The FoCal-E is a detector based on a Si sensor and tungsten to measure direct photons at forward rapidity.
For the readout, each Si pad hosts the HGCROC2...
For the CMS High-Granularity Calorimeter (HGCAL) for HL-LHC, scintillator tiles, readout with individual on-tile silicon photomultipliers (SiPMs), will be used where the radiation levels are expected to be less than 5 x $10^{13}$ n/cm$^2$. The scintillator tiles will be mounted on highly-integrated "tileboards" (typical area 30 x 30 cm$^2$) that host up to 108 tiles and their SiPMs, as well as...
The Hadron Calorimeter (HCAL) of the CMS experiment comprises two different technologies. The barrel and endcap regions of the HCAL are composed of layers of brass absorber plates interleaved with plastic scintillator tiles, and the barrel is augmented by an additional layer of scintillators beyond the CMS magnet. These subdetectors are read out by silicon photomultipliers (SiPMs) present on...
Many neutrons with high energies of several TeV are produced in the zero-degree region of LHC collisions, and a precise measurement of these neutrons is important to study several soft-QCD processes like one-pion exchange. A joint operation of the LHCf and ATLAS experiments including the ZDC detectors has been performed with proton-proton collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 13.6 TeV in September 2022....
The High Luminosity upgrade of the LHC (HL-LHC) at CERN will provide unprecedented instantaneous and integrated luminosities of around 5 x 10^34 /cm2 /s and 3000/fb respectively from 2029 onwards. Particular challenges at the HL-LHC are the harsh radiation environment, the increasing data rates, and the extreme level of pileup events, with up to 200 simultaneous proton-proton collisions...
To precisely measure the properties of the Higgs, W, Z bosons and explore new physics beyond the Standard Model, fast timing performance is crucial for the calorimetry of future electron-positron colliders. High-precision time-of-flight (ToF) measurements can complement dE/dx measurements and significantly improve the particle identification performance with a required TOF resolution of around...
Hui Wang is a postdoctoral researcher at Rutgers University, working for the CMS experiment at the LHC. He is currently a level-2 convener of the CMS Hadron Calorimeter (HCAL) and leads six groups (reconstruction, calibration, trigger, etc) of over a hundred people.
In this talk, he will give a review of energy reconstruction algorithms in the CMS HCAL, based on his recent published paper...
The High-Luminosity phase of LHC, starting in 2029, will bring unprecedented challenges to data acquisition and event reconstruction. The Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) Experiment will address these challenges with substantial upgrades to the detector and software. The High Granularity Calorimeter (HGCAL) will replace the current calorimeters in the Endcaps. HGCAL will provide excellent spatial...
Particle Identification (PID) plays a central role in associating the energy depositions in calorimeter cells with the type of primary particle in a particle flow oriented detector system. In this talk, we hope to present novel PID methods based on the Residual Network (ResNet) architecture, which enable the training of very deep networks, bypass the need to reconstruct feature variables, and...
A particle flow oriented high granularity Analog Hadronic Calorimeter (AHCAL) has been designed for the Circular Electron Positron Collider (CEPC). An AHCAL prototype consisting of 40 longitudinal layers with a transverse granularity of $ 40 \times 40~cm^{2} $, using scintillator tiles as active material and stainless steel as absorber, has been constructed and tested at the CERN SPS H2 beam...
Online monitoring of data quality is essential for experiments with complex detectors like the ones at the LHC. Such online monitoring allows prompt actions in case of issues that degrade the data quality. Shifters scrutinize histograms and plots automatically produced while acquiring data. Machine learning techniques can be used to help in the detection of anomalies. We will present a...
Due to its continuously adjustable composition and low cost, glass scintillator (GS) has become a new choice for solid scintillation materials. Compared to scintillation crystals, glass can achieve a similar density (approximately 6 g/cm3) at a lower cost, making it the preferred luminescent device for scintillation detectors. However, research on glass scintillator has mainly focused on...