Calorimeter applications 2
- Toru Takeshita (Shinshu University (JP))
The SND@LHC experiment, situated 480 m downstream of the ATLAS interaction point, is a compact standalone experiment at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). It is designed to perform measurements with neutrinos produced at the LHC, focusing on the hadronic calorimeter and muon system. The hadronic calorimeter, integral to this experiment, serves to measure the energy of hadronic jets, crucial for...
Physics program of the symmetric electron-positron collider VEPP-2000 includes high-
precision measurements of the e+ e−− > hadrons cross-sections in the energy range
from the production threshold to 2 GeV. These precise data are highly demanded for a
calculation of the hadronic contribution to the muon anomalous magnetic moment (g−2)μ
in the frame of the Standard Model as well as for the...
The FASER experiment at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) aims to detect new, long-lived fundamental particles and to study neutrino interactions. To enhance its discovery potential, a W-Si preshower detector is being built, targeting surface commissioning and then installation during the second half of 2024. The new preshower will enable the identification and reconstruction of electromagnetic...
A new electromagnetic calorimeter (ECAL) consisting of 1596 lead tungstate PbWO$_{\rm 4}$ scintillating crystals has been fabricated and installed in the experimental Hall-D at Jefferson Lab (JLab). The high-granularity, high-resolution calorimeter is required by the JLab Eta Factory experiment, whose main physics goal is to study rare decays of eta mesons. The ECAL replaced the inner part of...