When new members join LHC collaborations, it can be an exhilarating and challenging experience. The scope of research activities, from detector instrumentation to statistical analysis of complex datasets, has widened over the past decade. While this growth is exciting, it makes networking and proactivity all the more important. 

The event will be in hybrid format and will feature a panel of early, middle, and later career scientists sharing their advice on navigating successful scientific careers. 

Our panellists are:

  • Dr. Barbara Sciascia - Physicist at Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati (LHCb)
  • Prof. Bedangadas Mohanty - Physicist at the National Institute of Science, Education and Research and Deputy Spokesperson of the ALICE Collaboration (ALICE)
  • Dr. Gautier Hamel de Monchenault - Director of Research at CEA/IRFU (CMS)
  • Dr. Mesut Arslandok - Physicist at Yale University (ALICE)
  • Prof. Monica Dunford - Physicist at Kirchhoff-Institut für Physik (ATLAS)
  • Dr. Pallabi Das - Postdoctoral Research Associate with Princeton University (CMS)
  • Dr. Tara Nanut Petrič - Research Fellow at CERN (LHCb)
  • Dr. Zach Marshall - Senior Scientist at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (ATLAS)


More information about them can be found here.

The panel discussion will be followed by in-person and virtual networking events running in parallel, so that you can put what you have learnt into practice! Free food and drink will be available outside of the main auditorium for those who register for the in-person networking event.

More details can be found on the timetable and the Zoom room for remote attendees can be found here

The registration form can be found here.

Please note: for publicity purposes, the panel discussion will be recorded and photographs will be taken during the event. If you do not feel comfortable with this, please contact the organisers via email before the day of the event.   

The workshop is aimed at members of LHC experiments who do not have permanent positions, but it is open to anyone working on an LHC experiment.


The LHC Soft Skills Workshops are a series of talks/workshops voluntarily organised by members of the LHC Early Career Scientists Fora, which comprises members of the ALICE Junior representatives, the ATLAS Early Career representatives, the CMS Young Scientists Committee and the LHCb Early Career, Gender and Diversity Office. Information about previous Soft Skills workshops can be found here

Registration for this event is currently open.
There is an open survey.