LGBTQ+ in STEM Day at CERN: Pride Flag Raising
Esplanade des Particules
LGBTQ+ in STEM Day is an annual celebration of LGBTQ+ people in STEM disciplines across the world every 18th of November. This year, the CERN Directorate approved the Diversity & Inclusion Programme's request to raise the LGBTQIA+ Pride flag at CERN's Esplanade on Friday 17 November in lieu of the official LGBTQ+ in STEM Day, Saturday 18 Nov.
The LGBTQ-CERN Informal Network, in collaboration with the D&I Programme, welcomes the extended community of colleagues, friends and allies to this inaugural raising of the LGBTQ+ Pride Flag at CERN.
The flag will be raised on Friday 17 November at 13h CET. Afterwards, we will enjoy home-made desserts! Volunteers from the LGBTQ-CERN Informal Network will be on hand to accompany visitors through the new Science Gateway.
Live stream link below.
Please register below to help us estimate baking numbers and to facilitate any last minute communications.
Read more about LGBTQ+ in STEM here:
A link to directions from Gare Cornavin is here.
Parking is available in CERN Visitor parking lots, such as this one linked.
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