5:30 PM
Neutrino Science Opportunities at the High Flux Isotope Reactor
Jason Newby
5:35 PM
Exploring the Advantages of an Undoped, Cryogenic CsI Detector for CEvNS Experiments at the SNS with COHERENT
Charles Prior
(Duke University)
5:40 PM
Bounds on new physics with data of the Dresden-II reactor experiment and COHERENT
Leire Larizgoitia
5:45 PM
COLINA: Conical liquid noble gas apparatus for CEνNS detection
Ander Simón Estévez
(Donostia International Physics Center)
5:50 PM
Module 2 of the COHERENT D2O Detector
Gen Li
(Carnegie Mellon University)
Kirsten McMichael
(Carnegie Mellon University)
5:55 PM
Sensitivity Studies and Experimental Reach for Ge-mini, a COHERENT CEvNS Detector
Emma van Nieuwenhuizen
6:00 PM
A new data analysis tool for NUCLEUS and first results from the commissioning phase
Lilly Charlotte Peters
(Technical University Munich (D))
6:05 PM
Update on the COHERENT multi-ton, NaI detector array, NaIvETe
Nixon Ogoi
(NC Central University)
6:10 PM
EFT analysis of the COHERENT experiment with right handed neutrinos
Sergio de la Cruz