Meeting 31.10.23


to discuss status and Industry partners

WP5 FAIR and AI ready data on the cloud.

Present: Adnan, Andrew, Ivan

Goal: Discuss industry partners, current status and upcoming meetings. 


Ivan asked questions on: 

Data storage location and compute: federated or centralised model -> To be decided (probably will need to align with EOSC federated model)  


Which ML models will be used? Will this stem from the industrial partner/benefactor -> Various, highlighted pros and cons of each. This remains other WPs. 


Is there a need for data anonymisation embargo periods -> are these needed?  Homomorphic encryption is an option 


Metadata linking and development tbd in collaboration with other WP. 


Two upcoming meetings with potential industry partners Hopswork and Seldon this week. Will aim to finalise selection this week. We first need financial quotations for this.  


Need to find links and contacts to EOSC, ESCAPE, ERUM and to EuroLabs for synergies.  


A draft work package document has been drawn up. Adnan will review this before it is sent to the coordination group.  The number of tasks may need to be reduced. 




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