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Please Join DD4hep developer's meeting via Zoom
Present: S.Banerjee, M.Frank, F.Gaede, T.Madlener, A.Sailer
1) Pending problems
1) ISSUE970: Support for digitization in ddsim
==> On hold, but should be closed.
2) ISSUE1103: Allow isotrope generator to throw range around specified (reference) direction: Waiting for user
3) ISSUE1163: materialScan is not adapted for USE_GEANT4_UNITS
4) ISSUE1167: Charge sharing across tracker segmentation ---> DDDigi
5) ISSUE1173: memory issue for large geometries
===> Discussion ongoing, but is not really an issue. Geometries have to be build not with brute force.
7) ISSUE1200: Using rotation in DDCAD to rotate around z axis
===> Should be a non-issue (?)
8) ISSUE1199:Persist hepmc vertex status code into output
===> Should we eliminate Geant4EventReaderHepMC
===> Decision: Geant4EventReaderHepMC will be removed
9) ISSUE1197: DDEve cannot be built against ROOT without webgui
10) ISSUE1193: Custom identifiers for readouts are not (no longer) working
===> Actually lc_geo issue. Issue in the CaloPrototype code.
11) ISSUE 1194: DD4hep incompatible with Python 3.12
PR1195 Replace imp module usage
12) PR1198 Set the edm4hep::MCParticle momentum as doubles once it becomes possible
2) Closed issues and fixed problems
1) PR1191 Add a check for the standard that Geant4 was compiled with
ISSUE 1143: cmake: CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD overruled by Geant4_CXX_FLAGS in DDG4
(Juan Miguel Carceller/CERN)
2) PR1196: Use std::abs, ddsim logging of sensitive detectors
PR1192 DetectorChecksum: use fabs for checking null
ISSUE 1188: Platform discrepancy in Detector checksum computation (Andre)
3) PR1187
ISSUE 1186: Seeing deeper hierarchy in teveDisplay (Markus)
4) ISSUE1117: New visualization by reference edits alpha value of referenced VisAttr.
Apparently order of creating logical volumes affects visualization attributes
Changes in ROOT now present. Still requires update in DD4hep
See: PR1155
=== Assumed fixed with latest ROOT. Closed due to no reaction.
5) ISSUE1183: Varying roughness of optical surface for reflection
==> Non-issue. Requested stuff is present. Asked to close after verification.
===> Closed due to no reaction
6) PR1201 Incorporate type fix from https://github.com/AIDASoft/DD4hep/pull/1172. Improve checksum debugging possibilities.
7) PR1172: DetectorChecksum.cpp: fix a typo. Will make existing checksums invalid.
8) PR1202 Typo fix in user's manual (Dmitry Kalinkin)
9) ISSUE1203: How to visualize the electric or magnetic fields in DD4hep
===> Summer student project ?
3) Round table
Markus: NTR
Andre: Should make a new release for LCG_105
Frank: NTR
Sunanda: NTR
Thomas: NTR
4) AOB
Next meeting: 11th.January 2024