TH Heavy Ion Coffee

Hydrodynamization of heavy quarks in the quark-gluon plasma

by Federica Capellino

4/2-037 (CERN)




Heavy quarks (i.e. charm and beauty) are powerful tools to characterize the
quark-gluon plasma (QGP) produced in heavy-ion collisions. Although they are initially produced out of kinetic equilibrium via hard partonic scattering processes, recent measurements of anisotropic flow of charmed hadrons pose the question regarding the possible thermalization of heavy quarks in the medium. Our recent work [1] has provided new insights on the level of thermalization of charm and beauty quarks in the QGP. In particular, exploiting a mapping between transport theory and fluid dynamics, we have shown how a fluid-dynamic description of charm quarks in the QCD plasma is feasible. In this talk, we will present results for spectra of charm hadrons obtained with a fluid-dynamic approach to heavy-quark diffusion at LHC [2] as well as at RHIC energies. Preliminary results regarding the hydrodynamization of beauty quarks and a first insight into the inclusion of out-of-equilibrium correction to the heavy-flavor hadron momentum distribution at freeze-out will also be presented.

[1] Phys.Rev.D 106 3, 034021 (2022)
[2] e-Print: 2307.14449 [hep-ph]


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Elena Gianolio
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