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JAI Accelerator Physics Seminar Series

On the Space Charge Limit in Synchrotrons -- and How to Push it Further!

by Dr Adrian Oeftiger (GSI)

Room 614 (Denys Wilkinson Building (University of Oxford))

Room 614

Denys Wilkinson Building (University of Oxford)


A special JAI seminar will be given by Dr Adrian Oeftiger (GSI) with the following details:

Title: On the Space Charge Limit in Synchrotrons -- and How to Push it Further!

Abstract :

The major bunch intensity and performance limitation for accumulating hadron synchrotrons of low and intermediate energies (at CERN, GSI, SNS, BNL, JPARC, FNAL etc.) is space charge, the interaction of the bunch particles with the bunch self-fields. These typically nonlinear self-fields lead to a betatron tune spread. This spread in the transverse particle oscillation frequencies increases with the bunch intensity, rendering the bunch susceptible to nearby betatron resonances. A maximum intensity, i.e., the space charge limit, is reached when these resonances excite the particle distribution to large enough amplitudes inducing beam loss. 

This talk reviews the key resonance mechanisms identified over the recent years, demonstrating them with modern modelling tools used for the prediction of the space charge limit. We then discuss compensation methods to increase the space charge limit. As a highlight we cover the novel method of electron lenses, which is currently pushed forward at GSI as well as the dedicated test facility IOTA (FNAL).

The seminar will be delivered at 15.00 UK time on Friday, 8 December in Room 614 (Denys Wilkinson Building, Oxford). 

A remote connection will also be available, and the Zoom connection details are:

Meeting ID: 947 4820 1604

Passcode: 950406