PHYSTAT-SBI 2024 - Simulation Based Inference in Fundamental Physics
Max Planck Institute for Physics
Fueled by the recent advances of Machine Learning in the last decade, a new breed of techniques have been developed to tackle statistical inference problems for "likelihood-free" cases, where it is possible to sample from the data-generating process (i.e. via stochastic simulators) but a closed form evaluation of the density is intractable.
This group of methods is known as "simulation-based inference" (SBI) or "likelihood-free inference" (LFI) and will be the dedicated topic of this PHYSTAT Workshop taking place from May 15th - May 17th 2024 at the Max-Planck Institute for Physics (MPP) in Garching near Munich.
PHYSTAT is a long-running workshop series that brings together statisticians, machine learning researchers and physicists to discuss shared topics and foster collaboration among the research communities.
Confirmed Invited Speakers:
- Kyle Cranmer (U Wisconsin-Madison)
- Antoine Wehenkel (Apple)
- Gilles Louppe (U Liège)
- Laurence Perreault-Levasseur (U Montréal)
- Ann Lee (Carnegie Mellon)
- Julia Linhart (INRIA)
- Noemi Montel (U of Amsterdam)
- Jakub Tomczak (Eindhoven)
- Christoph Weniger (GRAPPA)
- Alexander Held (U Wisconsin-Madison)
- Paul Bürkner (TU Dortmund)
- Francesca Capel (MPP Munich)
- Mikael Kuusela (Carnegie Mellon)
- Aishik Ghosh (UC Irvine)
(Credit: Axel Griesch/MPP)
We gratefully acknowledge support from:
Alexander Held
Alexander Lincoln Read
Alina Bazarova
Aman Desai
Andre Joshua Scaffidi
Andre Sznajder
Andrew Fowlie
Androniki Dimitriou
Ann Lee
Baptiste Ravina
Baran Hashemi
Beatriz Tucci
Ben Nachman
Bertrand Laforge
Blaise Raheem Delaney
Boyang Yu
Bryan Zaldivar
Caio Daumann
Christoph Weniger
David Gebauer
David Lange
Davide Valsecchi
Ezharuddin Jubaer
Fabian Schmidt
George Uttley
Giacinto Piacquadio
Gilles Louppe
Guy Moss
Harita Dellaporta
Heshy Roskes
Ines Ochoa
Ivana Nikolac
Jackson Barr
Jakub Tomczak
Jay Ajitbhai Sandesara
Jed Homer
Johannes Buchner
Jona Ackerschott
Jona Motta
Jonas Eschle
Jonas Wurzinger
Jonathon Mark Langford
Joy Sanghavi
Juan L. Gamella
Judith Katzy
Julia Linhart
Kai Lehman
Laslo Nađđerđ
Laurence Perreault-Levasseur
Len Brandes
Lorenz Gärtner
Louis Lyons
Luca Masserano
Lucas Kang
Lukas Alexander Heinrich
Manuel Glöckler
Marco Letizia
Marta Silva
Matthew Feickert
Matthias Vigl
Mauricio A. Diaz
Md. Ariful Islam
Md. Zakir Hossan
Michael Deistler
Michael Kagan
Mikael Kuusela
Mohammed Abdelrazek Aboelela
Moritz Brandenburg
Nadine Bourriche
Nicole Hartman
Nikolai Hartmann
Noemi Anau Montel
Olaf Behnke
Philipp Eller
Philipp Windischhofer
Ramon Winterhalder
Robert Schoefbeck
Roberto Ruiz de Austri
Ruben Guevara
Sagar Hazra
Sami Rashid
Stefan Schönert
Stefan Wallner
Sumaiya Karim Katha
Surya Shivaprasad
Tae Hyoun Park
Theo Heimel
Vangelis Kourlitis
William Handley
Wilson David Buitrago Ceballos
Yibo Zhong
Yingjie Wei
Yuriy Volkotrub
- +26