PHYSTAT-SBI 2024 - Simulation Based Inference in Fundamental Physics
Max Planck Institute for Physics
Fueled by the recent advances of Machine Learning in the last decade, a new breed of techniques have been developed to tackle statistical inference problems for "likelihood-free" cases, where it is possible to sample from the data-generating process (i.e. via stochastic simulators) but a closed form evaluation of the density is intractable.
This group of methods is known as "simulation-based inference" (SBI) or "likelihood-free inference" (LFI) and will be the dedicated topic of this PHYSTAT Workshop taking place from May 15th - May 17th 2024 at the Max-Planck Institute for Physics (MPP) in Garching near Munich.
PHYSTAT is a long-running workshop series that brings together statisticians, machine learning researchers and physicists to discuss shared topics and foster collaboration among the research communities.
Confirmed Invited Speakers:
- Kyle Cranmer (U Wisconsin-Madison)
- Antoine Wehenkel (Apple)
- Gilles Louppe (U Liège)
- Laurence Perreault-Levasseur (U Montréal)
- Ann Lee (Carnegie Mellon)
- Julia Linhart (INRIA)
- Noemi Montel (U of Amsterdam)
- Jakub Tomczak (Eindhoven)
- Christoph Weniger (GRAPPA)
- Alexander Held (U Wisconsin-Madison)
- Paul Bürkner (TU Dortmund)
- Francesca Capel (MPP Munich)
- Mikael Kuusela (Carnegie Mellon)
- Aishik Ghosh (UC Irvine)
(Credit: Axel Griesch/MPP)
We gratefully acknowledge support from:
- Alexander Held
- Alexander Lincoln Read
- Alina Bazarova
- Aman Desai
- Andre Joshua Scaffidi
- Andre Sznajder
- Andrew Fowlie
- Androniki Dimitriou
- Ann Lee
- Baptiste Ravina
- Baran Hashemi
- Beatriz Tucci
- Ben Nachman
- Bertrand Laforge
- Blaise Raheem Delaney
- Boyang Yu
- Bryan Zaldivar
- Caio Daumann
- Christoph Weniger
- David Gebauer
- David Lange
- Davide Valsecchi
- Ezharuddin Jubaer
- Fabian Schmidt
- George Uttley
- Giacinto Piacquadio
- Gilles Louppe
- Guy Moss
- Harita Dellaporta
- Heshy Roskes
- Ines Ochoa
- Ivana Nikolac
- Jackson Barr
- Jakub Tomczak
- Jay Ajitbhai Sandesara
- Jed Homer
- Johannes Buchner
- Jona Ackerschott
- Jona Motta
- Jonas Eschle
- Jonas Wurzinger
- Jonathon Mark Langford
- Joy Sanghavi
- Juan L. Gamella
- Judith Katzy
- Julia Linhart
- Kai Lehman
- Laslo Nađđerđ
- Laurence Perreault-Levasseur
- Len Brandes
- Lorenz Gärtner
- Louis Lyons
- Luca Masserano
- Lucas Kang
- Lukas Alexander Heinrich
- Manuel Glöckler
- Marco Letizia
- Marta Silva
- Matthew Feickert
- Matthias Vigl
- Mauricio A. Diaz
- Md. Ariful Islam
- Md. Zakir Hossan
- Michael Deistler
- Michael Kagan
- Mikael Kuusela
- Mohammed Abdelrazek Aboelela
- Moritz Brandenburg
- Nadine Bourriche
- Nicole Hartman
- Nikolai Hartmann
- Noemi Anau Montel
- Olaf Behnke
- Philipp Eller
- Philipp Windischhofer
- Ramon Winterhalder
- Robert Schoefbeck
- Roberto Ruiz de Austri
- Ruben Guevara
- Sagar Hazra
- Sami Rashid
- Stefan Schönert
- Stefan Wallner
- Sumaiya Karim Katha
- Surya Shivaprasad
- Tae Hyoun Park
- Theo Heimel
- Vangelis Kourlitis
- William Handley
- Wilson David Buitrago Ceballos
- Yibo Zhong
- Yingjie Wei
- Yuriy Volkotrub
- +26