Introduction to the Erasmus program for the Physics department

aula U3-03

aula U3-03


International mobility page:

Google Meet room LINK

    • 08:30 08:40
      Erasmus program: how to participate and why 10m
      Speaker: Bicocca University Angel
    • 08:40 08:50
      Erasmus program at the Physics department: technical details and questions 10m
      Speaker: Pietro Govoni (Universita & INFN, Milano-Bicocca (IT))
    • 08:50 08:55
      A mobility experience during the bachelor program 5m
      Speakers: Ludovica Carbone, Martina Rossi
    • 08:55 09:00
      A mobility experience during the master program 5m
      Speaker: Letizia Marchesi
    • 09:00 09:05
      A traineeship experience 5m
      Speaker: Elena Pagani
    • 09:05 09:25
      Questions and answers 20m