19 April 2024
Europe/Zurich timezone

Looking for advice on searching and applying for jobs in high energy physics? Want tips on how to perform well in academic interviews?

Register for the 9th LHC Soft Skills Workshop: Job Hunting in HEP!

The workshop will be in hybrid format and will feature a panel of early and mid-career researchers, as well as senior scientists. They will share their advice on how to successfully apply, prepare and be interviewed for a job in high energy physics. They will also give a sneak peak on what happens on the interviewer’s side of the process whilst explaining the best practices that they follow.

The panellists are: 

  • Prof. Jonathan Butterworth – Professor at University College London

  • Prof. Laura Fabbietti – Professor at the Technical University Munich
  • Prof. Paul Jackson  – Professor at The University of Adelaide
  • Prof. Sneha Malde – Professor at Oxford University
  • Dr. Miriam Lucio Martinez – Postdoctoral researcher at Maastricht University.
  • Dr. Mike Sas – Fellow at CERN
  • Prof. Sir. Tejinder Virdee – Professor at Imperial College London
  • Dr. Adinda de Wit – Physicist at the Laboratoire Leprince-Ringuet.


More information about them can be found here and the registration form for the event can be found here

The panel discussion will be followed by live Q&A (ask and upvote questions on Slido). 

The workshop will take place on Friday 19th April, 13:30-15:00 CEST in Salle Bohr (40/S2-B01) at CERN. The Zoom room for remote attendees is here. 

Please note: for publicity purposes, the panel discussion will be recorded and photographs will be taken by members of the CMS Young Scientists Committee's Social Media Team during the event. If you do not feel comfortable with this, please contact the organisers via email before the day of the event.   

Want to put what you have learnt into practice? Register for the LHC Job Matching Event (JMEv), which will take place on Tuesday 14th May! More information about the JMEv can be found here.




The LHC Soft Skills Workshops are a series of talks/workshops voluntarily organised by members of the LHC Early Career Scientists Fora, which comprises members of the ALICE Junior representatives, the ATLAS Early Career representatives, the CMS Young Scientists Committee and the LHCb Early Career, Gender and Diversity Office. The workshops are aimed at members of LHC experiments who do not have permanent positions, but are open to anyone working on an LHC experiment. Information about previous LHC Soft Skills workshops can be found here


40/S2-B01 - Salle Bohr
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Registration for this event is currently open.
There are 2 open surveys.