10–11 Jun 2024
Europe/Zurich timezone

The workshop aims at gathering the experts on effective field theory predictions for multiboson production. The questions that will be discussed are what we can learn from multi-boson measurements, whether combination of several multi-boson processes might add something more, how the differences between HEFT and SMEFT can be probed in multi-boson production, the tools available and how they can be used by the experimental collaborations, precision predictions in EFT in multi-boson production and how the EFT descriptions match with concrete models.

The workshop is co-organized by the COMETA COST Action CA22130INFN-Sezione di Padova and the Physics and Astronomy Dpt. of the University of Padova 

 The organising committee would like to thank S. Calgaro, L. Salicari and G. Solito for help with the conference poster. 




Aula Tomax, JobCampus, Via Belzoni 146, Padua
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The number of registrations is limited to 40 in-person participants.