13–17 May 2024
University of Pittsburgh / Carnegie Mellon University
US/Eastern timezone

Simple calculation of the Coulomb-nuclear corrections in $pp$ and $\bar{p}p$ scattering

14 May 2024, 16:15
David Lawrence Hall 209 (University of Pittsburgh)

David Lawrence Hall 209

University of Pittsburgh

QCD & Heavy Ion Physics QCD & Heavy Ion Physics


Phuoc Ha (Towson University)


We present a very simple method for calculating the mixed Coulomb-nuclear effects in the $pp$ and $\bar{p}p$ scattering amplitudes, and illustrate the method using simple models frequently used to describe their differential cross sections at small momentum transfers. Combined with the pure Coulomb and form-factor contributions to the scattering amplitude which are known analytically from prior work, and the unmixed nuclear or strong-interaction scattering amplitude, the results give a much simpler approach to fitting the measured $pp$ and $\bar{p}p$ cross sections and extracting information on the real part of the forward scattering amplitudes than methods now in use.

Primary author

Prof. Loyal Durand (University of Wisconsin-Madison)


Phuoc Ha (Towson University)

Presentation materials