18 April 2024
Warsaw University of Technology
Europe/Warsaw timezone

The concept of a system for high-scale computing based on microservice architecture

Not scheduled
SK 04 / SK 05 (Warsaw University of Technology)

SK 04 / SK 05

Warsaw University of Technology


Antoni Malinowski Arkadiusz Kasprzak


This study introduces a microservice-based architecture designed to compute a large amount of data, offering scalable and modular system components. Main system concepts are illustrated through the example of credit risk management in a fictional banking system. The architecture's design principles emphasize scalability, domain separation, and technological agnosticism, aiming to ensure functionality across various platforms and programming languages. The research acknowledges the complexity of integrating multiple technologies and the challenges in anticipating evolving business requirements. The inability to test in a real-life environment marks a limitation; however, the research contributes to the limited body of knowledge on microservices in scalable systems and remains optimistic about future practical deployments.

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