Attendees: Guillaume, Mateusz, Michel, Praneeth, Roberto, Vincent, Vivien, Wojtek
Actions in BOLD.
Praneeth - results of prototype preliminary tests:
WPS interface need to be pre-adjusted with herisson during installation. Rotative stage perpendicularity(pitch/yaw) to be pre-adjusted too. Assembly procedure need to consider tolerance of assembly of sensors wrt wire better than 1 deg
Stability of WPS electronics observed - FPGA PID stabilisation to be verified later (Roberto). For now we can anticipate it by:
Cables for WPS reference sensors and size of the bench
Yellow (old Mullrad) cables to be used in the bench, to minimize bending radius and avoid too much spacing between reference sensors
The bigger space (5cm) to be added beyond the calibrated sensor to improve cables connection ergonomics
... but the test bench have to be small as reasonably possible, to avoid bigger deformation of supporting plates
Remaining issues, TBC (Roberto, Praneeth):
Discussion on Electronics/Software:
BE-CEM-MTA started work on other GM software (train?). Check priorities and timing of the software development, to be sure if no more delays will be introduced (Roberto, Mateusz)
Integration of whole code in Python looks better for maintenance of the code, but impacts workload for Vivien/Praneeth
Matlab script merging with LV is better solution for the beginning.
First version (step) of software shall base on Matlab scripts (DLL or launched from Matlab) - best way to be confirmed wit BE-CEM-MTA
Then in second step - Python integration might be added if really required. This will decrease our flexibility in script updates.
Important is to keep software maintained by BE-CEM-MTA. TBD with MTA (Roberto, Mateusz)
Discussion on mechanics important aspects:
UPS galleries compatibility - to be decided if we really need (and if it is really possible) to enter with the calibration bench to UPS galleries. Initial decision - UPS WPS sensors can be calibrated outside with electronics. To be confirmed (Vivien, Vincent)
The calibration bench shall be designed in a way, allowing dismounting rotative stage, to operate in simple X-Y regime if issues will be detected during validation of IT String bench unit. The parts for both version shall be manufactured and ready by May 2024, to not include supplementary delays (Wojtek)
Previsions of the stages availability and stages to be used in IT String unitL
Check with PI long term availability of stages and their support by the company (Roberto)
The IT String version shall use the new, more compact version of PI Stages
The driver to new controllers need to be included into software (Roberto)
Trolley design:
Mobile bench (trolley) dimensions shall be as small as possible (considering all equipment and dimensions constraints). Standardized system could be use - if we will find one with optimized dimensions. If not - the Bosh Rexroth profiles bench (like for mobile TT1 calibration bench to be implemented). Chariot - chassis stiffness similar like TT1 chassis.
Bigger wheels are better for bumps passage. Solution with deployable rigid leg proposed by Wojtek is OK
The measurement system supporting plate stability is most impotent: suspension system for amortization to be implemented (similar as for TT1 solution); 3 point support as for tested prototype is mandatory;
Space for electronics:
Check insulation transformer impact on the grounding while calibration (Guillaume, Roberto)
For P2 RACE - chicane makes impossible access to Q1 area. What can be done with that (Vincent, Vivien)
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