The CLIC Conceptual Design Report (CDR) summarizes the concept of a Linear Collider based on the CLIC technology, its physics case and the expected performance and design of the physics detectors. A draft version of CDR Volume 1 (CLIC Accelerator) and the final version of Volume 2 (Physics and Detectors) are available (links in the menu on the left).
You are cordially invited to subscribe to the CDR Signatories List:
- If you have made contributions to the CLIC accelerator or the Linear Colliders Physics and Detector studies, or intend to contribute in the future,
- If you wish to express support to the physics case and the study of a multi-TeV Linear Collider based on the CLIC technology, and its detector concepts1.
1 Note that signing the CDR does not imply an expression of exclusive support for CLIC versus other major collider options under development.
You are cordially invited to subscribe to the CDR Signatories List:
- If you have made contributions to the CLIC accelerator or the Linear Colliders Physics and Detector studies, or intend to contribute in the future,
- If you wish to express support to the physics case and the study of a multi-TeV Linear Collider based on the CLIC technology, and its detector concepts1.
1 Note that signing the CDR does not imply an expression of exclusive support for CLIC versus other major collider options under development.