A 217 MHz very-high-frequency gun operating in CW mode is being developed at Tsinghua University, which will be served as the beam source of the high repetition XFEL facilities and high repetition MeV UED. The cavity profile has been optimized to minimize input power, peak surface electric field, and peak wall power density. The profile optimization also takes into account the suppression of...
Plasma-wakefield acceleration promises orders of magnitude higher gradients than can be achieved via conventional radio-frequency cavities. It is now starting to be used in real user facilities. However, its application to particle-physics colliders has always been complicated by the difficulty in accelerating positrons. I will introduce the basics of plasma wakefield acceleration and explain...
High energy-frontier accelerators have provided the necessary research tools to establish the Standard Model by precision investigation of the strong and, subsequently, electro weak interactions at their characteristic energy scales of O(10-1000) MeV and O(100) GeV. What should be our next steps? Should we remain on the inertial progress-path and devote most of our resources to investigate the...
The talk will provide a description of the secondary beamlines at CERN. More specifically, it will address the operational principles and the available beam parameters, as well as highlights of the exciting physics that takes place at these unique facilities at CERN. The talk will also cover HiRadMat - the high-energy, single-pulse facility for material tests at CERN.
In order to meet the ambitions of exploring the fundamentals of particle physics, the 2020 update of the European Strategy for Particle Physics emphasised the importance of an intensified and well-coordinated programme of accelerator R&D, supporting the design and delivery of future particle accelerators in a timely, affordable and sustainable way. Accelerating particles will always require a...
During this seminar, a presentation of the Technological Resources Center “Aerial” will be given, showing the multiple research platforms, covering multiple scientific fields (radiation, microbiology, physical chemistry, freeze drying and sensory evaluation). A focus on Aerial’s Excellence Center for Radiation Processing will be given. These multiple irradiation facilities available at Aerial...