Particle Physics Seminars

Measurement of the muon anomalous magnetic moment with the Fermilab g-2 experiment

by Saskia Charity (University of Liverpool (GB))

Small Lecture Theatre (Poynting)

Small Lecture Theatre



The Fermilab muon g-2 experiment recently published an updated measurement of the muon anomalous magnetic moment with a precision of 0.20 ppm. This result, which uses data from Run-2 (2019) and Run-3 (2020) is more than a factor of two more precise than the previous result with the Run-1 (2018) data, published in 2021. As well as the improved statistical precision, upgrades to the experiment between Run-1 and Run-2 enabled a substantial reduction in the leading systematic uncertainties. I will present the details of the recent measurement, the current status of the Standard Model predictions, and the prospects and goals for the final analysis of the full dataset.