Coordination meeting
Cordination meeting minutes
Date : 2024/01/24
Attendees : Adnan Ghribi [AG], Sabrina Lecerf [SL], Thomas Shea [TS], Giuanluca Valentino [GV], Annika Eichler [AE], Jonas L’Haridon [JL], Andrew Mistry [AM], Ivan Knezevic [IV], Jade Varin [JV], Verena Kain [VK], Christine Darve [CD], Lex Avstreikh [LA]
Absent (distribution) : Evalds Urtans [EU], Jim Dowling [JD], Amelia Pollard [AP], Adrian Oftiger [AO], Emmanuel Detsis [ED], Stefano Pioli [SL], Carsten Welsh [CW]
Review of action items
Please see the action items table in the previous meeting minutes accessible here.
Action 1. Not completed yet. Deadline extended to 2024/01/26.
Action 8. Risk table not complete yet. Deadline extended to 2024/01/26
Action 10. Send information to JV/SL for travel expenses homogenisation. Deadline extended to 2024/01/26
Round table on the advancement of each WP
WP1 [SL]
Things are moving but there are still some inputs missing (see action items).
We need to complete the gantt chart (from milestones) as soon as possible.
WP2 [JL]
Imlementation document being completed but there are still some inputs missing for some partners.
Where do we put the ethics part ?
Assessment through NLP (natural langage processing) and link with the humanities. [TS] We need to extend social sciences involvement beyond the scope of assessment (technology acceptance).
Involvement of international partners through the Forum in WP2. This comes in addition to involvement of international associate partners in specific tasks. To be highlighted in methodology.
Letters of support to be published and referenced in the proposal.
WP3 [CD]
Possibility of a 20% budget reduction.
Update of the WP3 implementation part on Monday
WP4 [GV]
Latest version for implementation updated in the sharepoint. There are few updates on budget balance that will be added shortly but, for the rest, the document can be used for the implementation section.
WP5 [AM]
Inkind contributions are still missing and are needed for budget reduction. However, the document is complete in terms of tasks description, partners and milestones.
There is a discussion with CERN as a possible contributor to WP5 on 2024/01/25.
There is a discussion on WP5/7 crossovers on 2024/01/25.
[VK] needs to have the names of all CERN contributors. Please send her the names of CERN contributors to your respective WP. Action -> all
WP6 [AE]
Budget has been updated
There is a global WP6 meeting on Monday with all contributors to finalize budget.
WP7 [AG reporting on behalf of SP and AP]
WP layout has been updated and encompasses now 3 tasks.
A meeting is planned on 2024/01/25 to discuss overlap between WP5 abd 7.
ESRF and Soleil are included in task 2 for the Tango API implementation.
F Druillole (IN2P3) is in task 3 for FPGA implementation.
Gender balance around 33%.
Budget distribution updated but not reduced (2.5M).
WP final version for implementation planned for next Wednesday.
Excellence and impact review [AG]
An overleaf skeleton has been set-up on overleaf. The viewing link can be found here. All contributors must have received an invitation for edition link. We all need to agree on the formulation of the main objective, strategic objectives, specific objectives, ambitions, impacts and outcomes. A suggestion for the objectives and the ambitions is represented in the mindmap here below. Please review it and comment, suggest or correct ASAP.
Action -> All
Based on the proposed objectives formulation, a structure is proposed for the excellence section. Suggestions for contributions and assignments have been reported in the overleaf. Please review them and send a message to [AG], [TS], [AO] to accept or decline. This is very important so please do that ASAP.
Action -> all
Every assignment is only for few lines or a pargraph. Every specific objective requires a small description, expected achievements and key performance indicators. Every ambition (linked to specific objectives) is described in terms of state of the art, current bottlenecks and innovation potential.
For the impacts and outcomes, all WP leaders who have not filled the outcomes spreadsheet sent after the previous workshop in Paris are asked to do so as soon as possible.
Action -> all
We plan a one or two days in person meeting on Febr 8/9. The meeting could take place in Salzburg after the RL4AA workshop, in Frankfurt (or another city with direct connection to Salzburg and an airport) or in Paris (RDG area). Whoever want to participate is welcome but we need to know that very quickly. If you have another suggestion for a convenient place for the meeting, do not hesitate to propose.
Summary of action items
N° |
Actions to be performed |
By Whom ? |
Deadline |
1 |
Send list of all partners to SL/JV | All WPs leaders | 2024/01/26 |
2 |
Organize meeting with WP1 | SL/JV | 2024/01/26 |
3 |
Organize a specific meeting on the possibility of having an innocation fund in the project (cc CW, TS, AG, AO, SL, JV) | TS/CW | 2024/02/02 |
4 |
Publication of the white paper for study cases | AO | 2024/02/09 |
5 |
Send new version of WP5 implementation to JD, SL | AM/JD | 2024/01/26 |
6 |
Meeting about crossover WP5/7 with AM, IK and Kevin Cassou | SP/AP | 2024/01/26 |
7 |
Send final draft for WP7 implementation to JV/SL | SP/AP | 2024/01/26 |
8 |
Risk table needs to be filled by all WP Leaders and sent to SL/JV | All WPs leaders | 2024/01/26 |
9 |
Review and reduce WPs budget | All WPs leaders | 2024/01/26 |
10 |
Send the assumptions taken for calculating travel expenses to JV/SL | All WPs leaders | 2024/01/26 |
11 |
Propose a harmonization of travel expenses calculation | JV/SL | 2024/01/26 |
13 |
Complete proposal draft ready for review process | All | 2024/02/12 |
14 |
Review overleaf excellence and impact assignments and give feedback on objectives and ambitions | All | 2024/01/26 |
15 |
Feedback on impact and outcomes | All | 2024/01/31 |