DD4hep Developers Meeting
Please Join DD4hep developer's meeting via Zoom
Present: M.Frank, T. Madlener, A. Sailer
1) Pending problems
1) ISSUE970: Support for digitization in ddsim
==> On hold, but should be closed.
2) ISSUE1103: Allow isotrope generator to throw range around specified (reference) direction: Waiting for user
3) ISSUE1173: memory issue for large geometries
===> Discussion ongoing, but is not really an issue. Geometries have to be build not with brute force.
===> Was a bug in TGeo caused by large number of daughters
4) ISSUE1199: Persist hepmc vertex status code into output
===> Should we eliminate Geant4EventReaderHepMC
===> Decision: Geant4EventReaderHepMC will be removed
5) ISSUE1200: Using rotation in DDCAD to rotate around z axis
===> Should be a non-issue (?)
6) ISSUE 1223: CONST properties for optical surfaces missing in DD4hep.
===> To be handled with. Requires new version of ROOT.
7) ISSUE 1224: Exception while executing plugin DD4hep_DetectorVolumeDump
===> World's top placement needs extension to avoid crash.
2) Closed issues and fixed problems
1) ISSUE 1220: Help for validation sensitive volumes with ddsim.
Client debugging. (Markus)
2) ISSUE 1222: FATAL when running ddsim on Whizhard stdhep output file.
Question only. (Andre)
3) MR 1219: Make the renaming of TrackerHit -> TrackerHit3D transparent (Thomas)
4) PR1198: Set the edm4hep::MCParticle momentum as doubles once it becomes possible
5) PR1221: Change ROOTFrame{Writer,Reader} to ROOT{Writer,Reader} (Juan Miguel Carceller)
===> Make edm4hep writing fit for the next version of edm4hep/podio
3) Round table
Andre: NTR
Markus: Remove all ifdefs for ROOT < 6.24.06 (LCG 101)
Thomas: NTR
4) AOB
Next meeting: February 22, 2024