Contributed Talks
- Marcin Badziak
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- Andreas Trautner
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- Martin Gabelmann (DESY)
Contributed Talks
- Venus Keus (Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies (DIAS))
Contributed Talks
- Andreas Papaefstathiou (Kennesaw State University, GA, USA)
Contributed Talks
- Ian Lewis (The University of Kansas)
Contributed Talks
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Contributed Talks
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Contributed Talks
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Contributed Talks
- Antรณnio Morais (Universidade de Aveiro)
Contributed Talks
- Johannes Braathen (DESY)
We explore the TeV-scale $B-L$ extension of the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (BLSSM), which incorporates a seesaw mechanism for generating light neutrino masses. This presentation focuses on the phenomenological implications of the Higgs sector within this model, highlighting unique features and potential experimental signatures that could be investigated in current and future...
We discuss a three-Higgs-doublet model with an underlying S3 symmetry, allowing in principle for complex couplings. In this framework it is possible to have either spontaneous or explicit CP violation in the scalar sector, depending on the regions of parameter space corresponding to the different possible vacua of the S3 symmetric potential. We list all possible vacuum structures allowing for...
We study the discovery prospects for a charged Higgs boson via the $b g\to c H^- \to c \bar t b$ process at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). Focusing on the general Two Higgs Doublet Model (G2HDM) that possesses extra Yukawa couplings, the process is controlled by extra top couplings $\rho_{tc}$ and $\rho_{tt}$, which can drive electroweak baryogenesis to account for the baryon asymmetry of...
This talk provides an overview of the direct searches for Beyond Standard Model (BSM) neutral heavy Higgs bosons conducted by the CMS experiment, focusing on both fermionic and bosonic decay channels. These searches are interpreted within the framework of the Two-Higgs-Doublet Model (2HDM), exploring various types and parameter spaces of the model. The discussion will spotlight recent CMS...
We investigate the associated production of light scalars at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) within the framework of the Two Real Singlet Model (TRSM). This model extends the Standard Model by introducing two real singlets, which interact with Standard Model particles through their mixing with the Higgs boson. Our study focuses on the physics process ๐ ๐ โ ๐ โ2, where ๐ represents ๐ยฑ or ๐...
Recently, statistically significant excesses have been observed at the LHC in associated di-photon production (ฮณฮณ + X) at around 152 GeV in the sidebands of SM Higgs analyses. They are most pronounced in the single-tau, missing-transverse-energy, four-jet and โฉพ 1โ+ โฉพ 1b-jet channels and compatible with associated production mechanisms for new Higgs bosons (such as Drell-Yan), leading to a...
Exotic Higgs decays are among the most promising areas to be explored at the High Luminosity Large Hadron Collider, given the unprecedentedly large amount of the Standard Model-like Higgs bosons that will be produced. In this context, we introduce a new search channel where a Higgs boson with a mass of 125 GeV decays to a Z boson and a light pseudoscalar (a), in the final state with two muons...
Triple Higgs production will allow us to probe the nature of the scalar potential in High energy physics directly. In particular, it will permit us to probe the quartic self coupling of the Higgs boson. In this talk we will discuss the prospects of measuring triple Higgs production in proton-proton colliders within and beyond the Standard Model (BSM) considering the final state in which each...
I will address several different aspects of spontaneous CPV induced by a scalar singlet and its relevance for e.g. the strong CP problem, leptogenesis, leptonic CP violation in neutrino oscillations, etc.
Based on ongoing work and on:
Dark-sector seeded solution to the strong CP problem
e-Print: 2303.00705 [hep-ph] -
Scalar-singlet assisted leptogenesis with CP violation from the...
In this talk, I will choose 2HDM with soft $Z_2$ symmetry as an example, to discuss its CP-violation facing future EDM and collider tests. Currently, a large CP-phase ~$\mathcal{O}(0.1)$ is still allowed in a narrow window around $\tan\beta\sim1$ due to the cancellation in the electron EDM, and thus the neutron EDM sets the strictest constraint on the phase. Future EDM experiments with...
The current LHC Higgs data suggest that the couplings of the observed 125 GeV Higgs boson must be remarkably close to the Standard Model (SM) expectations. This implies that any Beyond-the-Standard-Model physics due to an extended Higgs sector must lead to the so-called SM alignment limit, where one of the Higgs bosons behaves exactly like that of the SM. In the context of the Two Higgs...
We live in a Universe with only matter and no antimatter and most theories of Baryogenesis imply that in the early Universe at temperatures above T > 160 GeV, all Standard Model states (but the W) had different numbers of particles and antiparticles. If there was a new symmetry in the dark sector and particles with quantum numbers in both the SM and the dark sector, then dark matter would also...
I would like to introduce a viable model with extended scalar sector which can explain neutrino mass, dark matter and baryon asymmetry of the Universe simultaneously, in the framework of radiative seesaw mechanism, WIMP dark matter and EW baryogenesis. We then discuss phenomenology of this model from all angles. After showing some benchmark points which can satisfy current experimental...
The hot early Universe must have lived through phase transitions around the electroweak epoch. Multi-Higgs models often possess scalar potentials which, at finite temperatures, exhibit several competing minima and may lead to phase transitions of peculiar nature. In this talk, I will show that there exists a regime in the two-Higgs-doublet model in which thermal evolution of the early Universe...
Domain walls are a type of topological defects that can arise in the early universe after the spontaneous breaking of a discrete symmetry. This occurs in several beyond Standard Model theories with an extended Higgs sector such as the Next-to-Two-Higgs-Doublet model (N2HDM).
In this talk I will discuss the ingredients needed for the successful generation of a matter-antimatter asymmetry in...
Exploring the Higgs sector via multi-Higgs production searches is a main goal for run-3 and high-lumi LHC. Can these searches inform us about the electroweak phase transition and matter-antimatter asymmetry? We address this question in the context of the TRSM (Two-Real-Singlet Model), which has known benchmark points enhancing multi-Higgs production. We update the triple-Higgs production...
We study supercooled first-order phase transitions in a wide class of conformal Majoron-like U(1) models that explain the totality of active neutrino oscillation data and feature testable signatures of Stochastic Gravitational Waves Background (SGWB) at the reach of both space and earth-based interferometers. We demonstrate that these models can produce a detectable GW signal in LISA and...
Higgs couplings are essential probes for physics beyond the Standard Model (BSM), as the Higgs potential can be generically modified by new physics, particularly through the Higgs portal interaction $|H|^2\mathcal{O}$. These modifications influence Higgs interactions via dimension-6 operators of the form $\sim \left(\partial |H|^2\right)^2$ and $\sim |H|^6$, which are generally expected to be...
Higgs-boson pairs are dominantly produced via gluon fusion at hadron colliders, i.e. via a loop-induced process. This process will constitute the first direct access to the trilinear Higgs self-interaction. In recent years the NLO QCD corrections involving the full top-mass dependence became available by means of numerical integrations, since analytical methods available so far are not capable...
This presentation offers new insights into double Higgs boson production accompanied by 2 and 3 jet events at the LHC within the framework of the Triplet Higgs Model. By integrating matrix elements into the parton-level Monte Carlo VBFNLO and utilizing Herwig 7 for parton shower matching, we provide a comprehensive analysis. Our study delves into the azimuthal angle correlations between tagged...
In this talk I will present an investigation into finite width and interference effects in di-Higgs production at the LHC. I will focus on the real Higgs singlet extension of the Standard model where di-Higgs production is enhanced by resonant decays of an additional heavy scalar into two SM-like Higgs bosons. The study focuses on the effect of the interference between non-resonant and...
We explore the real-singlet extension of the Standard Model without a Z2 symmetry (RxSM), as a model to reconstruct the Higgs potental and explain the baryon asymmetry of the Universe. First, we determine regions of parameter space that allow a Strong First-Order Electroweak Phase Transition (SFOEWPT) using the public tools CosmoTransitions and TransitionListener, including also relevant...
We investigate the reliability of a comparison between the experimental results and the theoretical predictions for the pair production of the 125 GeV Higgs boson at the LHC. Recent experimental results for di-Higgs production provide already sensitivity to triple Higgs couplings (THCs) in models beyond the Standard Model (BSM). In our analysis within the Two Higgs Doublet Model (2HDM) we find...
Recasting is an extremely powerful tool to derive limits on new physics models. With so many NP models at our disposal, recasting makes it easy to use the limits derived on certain models by experimental searches, to constrain any model of our choice. However, this method can fail, if the model of our interest not only differs from the one it is being recasted from, in terms of event rates,...
In this talk I will explore the behaviour of multi-Higgs boson production, with a focus on triple Higgs boson production, in the context of various new physics models. I will discuss theories that incorporate higher-dimensional operators, and models with one or two additional singlet scalar fields.
The Georgi-Machacek scenario, introducing a complex and a real scalar triplet as additional components of the electroweak symmetry breaking sector, enables substantial triplet contributions to the weak gauge boson masses, subject to the equality of the complex and the real triplet vacuum expectation values (vev) via a custodial SU(2) symmetry. The magnitude of this triplet vev strongly...
In recent years, the field of precision spectroscopy has emerged as a powerful and versatile probe for light new physics ranging from $10^{-22}$ eV to the MeV scale. In this talk I will focus on recent improvements of isotope shift measurements in ytterbium and on the first ever laser excitation of a nuclear transition, which was achieved earlier this year in thorium-229. Both have...
In the most general two-Higgs doublet model, flavor-nondiagonal neutral Higgs couplings to fermions are present. Experimental constraints on flavor-changing neutral currents imply that such flavor-nondiagonal couplings must either be absent or significantly suppressed. One possible suppression mechanism proposed many years ago by Cheng and Sher relates the suppression of off-diagonal neutral...
A UV complete model where the Dark Matter (DM) particle interacts with gluons via a colored scalar mediator provides a viable phenomenological model that can be tested at hadron colliders. While Mono-jet signatures are relevant for Collider searches, zero-jet processes would mean complete annihilation of Standard Model (SM) particles to DM particles, which contribute to relic-density of DM. We...
In this talk, we investigate how the 2-Higgs Doublet Model (2HDM) Type-I can explain some excesses recently seen at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in $\gamma\gamma$ and $\tau^+\tau^-$ final states in turn matching Large Electron Positron (LEP) data in $b\bar b$ signatures all residing over the 90-100 GeV region. The explanation to such anomalous data is found in the 2HDM Type-I in inverted...
Recently, ATLAS and CMS experiments at the LHC put on light the relevant results in the measurement precision of the Higgs and BSM. In such a report, where the resonance direct search was made in the ฮณZ channel, a mass adjustment distribution for the reconstructed Z boson and photon was established. Thus, simultaneously with the signal-from-background separation, the number of events has been...
The beyond standard model physics may manifest itself through direct searches, such as the direct detection of dark matter, and indirect searches, such as deviations of precision observables from standard model predictions. In both cases, radiative corrections may be extremely important because new particles can appear in the loop. We discuss the important one-loop and two-loop corrections in...
In the framework of the Two Higgs Doublet Model (2HDM), we investigate the scope of the LHC in accessing the processes $H \to hh \to 2b2\tau, 2b2\gamma$ and $pp \to Z^{*} \to hA \to 4\tau$ by performing a Monte Carlo (MC) analysis aimed at extracting these signals from the Standard Model (SM) backgrounds, in the presence of a dedicated trigger choice and kinematical selection. We prove that...