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Date : 2024/02/02
Attendees : Adnan Ghribi [AG], Sabrina Lecerf [SL], Thomas Shea [TS], Giuanluca Valentino [GV], Annika Eichler [AE], Jonas L’Haridon [JL], Andrew Mistry [AM], Ivan Knezevic [IV], Jade Varin [JV], Verena Kain [VK], Christine Darve [CD], Lex Avstreikh [LA], Evalds Urtans [EU], Jim Dowling [JD], Amelia Pollard [AP], Adrian Oftiger [AO], Emmanuel Detsis [ED], Stefano Pioli [SL], Carsten Welsh [CW]
Absent (distribution) :
N° |
Actions to be performed |
By Whom ? |
Deadline |
1 |
Send list of all partners to SL/JV | All WPs leaders | 2024/01/26 |
2 |
Organize meeting with WP1 | SL/JV | 2024/01/26 |
3 |
Organize a specific meeting on the possibility of having an innocation fund in the project (cc CW, TS, AG, AO, SL, JV) | TS/CW | 2024/02/02 |
4 |
Publication of the white paper for study cases | AO | 2024/02/09 |
5 |
Send new version of WP5 implementation to JD, SL | AM/JD | 2024/01/26 |
6 |
Meeting about crossover WP5/7 with AM, IK and Kevin Cassou | SP/AP | 2024/01/26 |
7 |
Send final draft for WP7 implementation to JV/SL | SP/AP | 2024/01/26 |
8 |
Risk table needs to be filled by all WP Leaders and sent to SL/JV | All WPs leaders | 2024/01/26 |
9 |
Review and reduce WPs budget | All WPs leaders | 2024/01/26 |
10 |
Send the assumptions taken for calculating travel expenses to JV/SL | All WPs leaders | 2024/01/26 |
11 |
Propose a harmonization of travel expenses calculation | JV/SL | 2024/01/26 |
13 |
Complete proposal draft ready for review process | All | 2024/02/12 |
14 |
Review overleaf excellence and impact assignments and give feedback on objectives and ambitions | All | 2024/01/26 |
15 |
Feedback on impact and outcomes | All | 2024/01/31 |