28–30 May 2024
Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM)
Europe/Madrid timezone

Study of exclusive processes in ultra-peripheral collisions at LHCb

Not scheduled
Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM)

Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM)

Rooms M1 and M2


Charlotte Van Hulse (Universidade de Alcalá)


The study of exclusive processes in lepton-hadron and in ultra-peripheral hadron-hadron collisions provides information on the three-dimensional distribution of quarks and gluons as a function of their longitudinal momentum and transverse position inside the hadron, where the longitudinal direction corresponds to the direction of the probe used to investigate the hadron. This will be introduced and an overview of the measurements of exclusive processes performed at LHCb will be given. Where applicable, parallels with measurements in lepton-hadron interactions will be highlighted.

Primary author

Charlotte Van Hulse (Universidade de Alcalá)

Presentation materials

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